added some reflection and more light


Active Member
temp and humid is good, a little higher humidity won't hurt during vegging but that's pretty much perfect for mid-late flowering
Rule of growing anything indoors...keep your temps between 72-80 and humidity should never go below 25% or you will start seeing some drying of your plants. Also in your box make sure there is more air going out than fresh air coming in. Just one plant in that small space will suck the Co2 really quick so make sure your pushing that used and hot air out more than fresh air being put in. Since the humidity is so low and you said it gets to 80 I suggest get a spray bottle and misting your plants to keep them moist through veg
Rule of growing anything indoors...keep your temps between 72-80 and humidity should never go below 25% or you will start seeing some drying of your plants. Also in your box make sure there is more air going out than fresh air coming in. Just one plant in that small space will suck the Co2 really quick so make sure your pushing that used and hot air out more than fresh air being put in. Since the humidity is so low and you said it gets to 80 I suggest get a spray bottle and misting your plants to keep them moist through veg
In the picture theres a little mister bottle, I mist around the sides of the pot and under the leaves a few times a day. I have a bowl of water in there too. And for the air coming in and air out, the home made fan works good and i often have the door open for a little fresh air going in. I smoke in there a lot for CO2. The window is cracked so the temp stays right under 80 mostly. i dont think i really have much a way to get anymore air out....but theres another clip on fan in there by the lights which pushes air out whenever im in there
I smoke in there a lot for CO2.
Dude I smoke too but not around any of my plants. They have pores that will take in not only the carbon dioxide but all the other gases u emit when u exhale that smoke. Covers those little guys in tar and whatnot....Just a thought.

Putting that aside there are other ways of getting Co2 to your plants. For one try talking to your plants whenever you are around them. If you sleep around that room you are giving it Co2. Try getting some dry ice, get a 2 liter bottle and cut the top off, drop a few "SMALL" chunks and let them boil down. Beings your plants are very young still the amount Co2 they are taking in is relatively small in comparison to what they need lets say in the fourth week of flower.

Now as for your soil why don't you try to pick up some fox farms happy frog or ocean forest when you transplant. You can get it online or from a hydroponics shop close to you. I personally used the Fox Farms Ocean Forest from seed to finish on my first grow which turned out great. Didn't have much of a PH problem all the way through as long as I ph'd my water before watering with PH UP & Down. U can find that product in most garden hydroponic stores or online for around $15(must have dude)

As you can see in the pics that was my first grow, it was superskunk from nirvana. Fox Farm Ocean Forest, PH UP and DOWN, Organic blackstrap molasses, and four CFL's grew that. Get some good air flow and a great ph, and you can get some nug man.


Active Member
In the picture theres a little mister bottle, I mist around the sides of the pot and under the leaves a few times a day. I have a bowl of water in there too. And for the air coming in and air out, the home made fan works good and i often have the door open for a little fresh air going in. I smoke in there a lot for CO2. The window is cracked so the temp stays right under 80 mostly. i dont think i really have much a way to get anymore air out....but theres another clip on fan in there by the lights which pushes air out whenever im in there
Opening the door will lowe the humidity and temp, you want them both up abit so keep your door closed (with the evaporation water source)
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Dude I smoke too but not around any of my plants. They have pores that will take in not only the carbon dioxide but all the other gases u emit when u exhale that smoke. Covers those little guys in tar and whatnot....Just a thought.

Putting that aside there are other ways of getting Co2 to your plants. For one try talking to your plants whenever you are around them. If you sleep around that room you are giving it Co2. Try getting some dry ice, get a 2 liter bottle and cut the top off, drop a few "SMALL" chunks and let them boil down. Beings your plants are very young still the amount Co2 they are taking in is relatively small in comparison to what they need lets say in the fourth week of flower.

Now as for your soil why don't you try to pick up some fox farms happy frog or ocean forest when you transplant. You can get it online or from a hydroponics shop close to you. I personally used the Fox Farms Ocean Forest from seed to finish on my first grow which turned out great. Didn't have much of a PH problem all the way through as long as I ph'd my water before watering with PH UP & Down. U can find that product in most garden hydroponic stores or online for around $15(must have dude)

As you can see in the pics that was my first grow, it was superskunk from nirvana. Fox Farm Ocean Forest, PH UP and DOWN, Organic blackstrap molasses, and four CFL's grew that. Get some good air flow and a great ph, and you can get some nug man.
I already transplanted today, i had roots showing on all sides so it was the perfect time to repot. And i stuck with the same soil i started with, and im leaving for a week so i didnt really have time to wait for an order to come in the mail. Ill take some pictures tomorrow of them in their new pots, i dont know the strain though man. Its just some bag seed!
Hey IDoLikeNdIcA20, happy holidays and I hope your girls are doing well when u get home! Lets see some pics of them and I want to see a good shot of your space too. If the girls are doing well, are u going to crop or LST them?
thanks man! happy holidays to you as well! I will be back to my place on Friday so I can post some pictures then. I was planning on just letting them grow, its my first grow and i hadn't done much research on LST. maybe once I post some pics of my space and give an outline of how I was planning to go about the rest of my grow you could give me some more advice on the best way to maximize my yield? it'd be much appreciated!

merry christmas
Looking good so far man! How tall were they when u switched to 12/12? I personally would of let your side branching get a little more growth...but all in all they are looking good:bigjoint:. As for your yield man your doing things right but if you let a plant mature more during your vegetation, then you will have a healthier flowering plant, better yield and better medicine.