Add lime to FF Ocean Forest


Well-Known Member
From here:
"A good way to stabilize soil is to use dolomite lime (calcium-magnesium carbonate). Dolomitic lime acts slowly and continuously, so soil will remain pH stable for a few months.

Using fine size dolomite lime is important, coarser grades can take a year or longer to work. You can find fine size dolomite lime at any well stocked garden supply center.

Dolomite lime has been used by gardeners as a pH stabilizer for many years. It has a pH that is neutral (7.0). When added to soil in the correct proportions, it will stabilize soil at a pH near 7.0."

I'm thinking about adding a small amount of this "dolomite lime" to the Ocean Forest blend of Fox Farm soil. Does anyone else have experiences with lime, or recommend it?


Well-Known Member
Is your PH bad? No need to be adding stuff if its not needed. Thats the culprit for most problems....not saying that you will have one, but no need to add stuff "just because"


Well-Known Member
The FF OF soil, from my tests is fine on pH (FF adds the dolomite in themselves)
But the dolomite, from what I've read (and kinda seen first hand) won't raise the soil pH above 7.0 (neutral) Most nutes, from what I've seen are rather acidic.

Now, my personal feeling with the dolomite, is to add it to the mix of soil, and not to the water or sprinkled on top. So its a before planting item.

Hydrated lime is OK for 'after the fact' fixing. (its water soluble) But that will run through the soil a bit faster, so repeated application might be needed throughout the grow.


Well-Known Member
So let me get this straight. Big Bud, You do suggest adding it to the soil? I don't have a problem with Ph, but as the article states, its a good and easy preventive measure just in case.