Add HPS at 50% with the CFLs for Veg


I transplanted 6 - 6" clones into soil a few days ago. Vegging 24/7 under 4 T12s fluorescents at 65k. I'm wondering if and when I should turn on my 600w light.
Maybe turn it on at half power? Will it shock the babes?



Well-Known Member
Once my clones root, and i transplant them to pots, i put them directly underneath my 400watt mh...Im not sayin slam the light right on top of them....i keep the light about 3 feet from the top of canopy and i have no if u drop ur light down to 400w u should have any problems...i dont even think u would if u ran it at 600w, but like i said, just keep it up of the canopy, until the plants get acclimated to the light, then drop it down...hope that helps....keep em green...-ganja-


Well-Known Member
bro, imo, get rid of the fluoros, raise that 600 up another 1-2 feet and you will be fine. Hope it helps....Ganja


:leaf:I agree with ganjaluva, but in addition, there's no need to have lights on 24 hrs a day in veg, 18/6 will do just fine, actually better, and save you a little on your power bill.


Turning the HPS up was the right move. The Babes love it!
I'll probably keep the CFLs on, just to augment the spectrum. At least until I need the CFLs for something else later ;)
Also gonna ease'm into a 18/6 schedule starting today.



Well-Known Member
they look good bro...them little girls are loving that light right now....i think u did the right move..lookin sweet....ganja