activating the thc


Well-Known Member
at 122 F the THC-A decarbs and activates the thc. what would be the difference between just smoking the bud, or decarbing it and then smoking it? ive heard it makes the thc stronger and ive heard it reduces the thc content. so im not sure.


Ursus marijanus
Incorrect starting premise, i'm afraid. THC begins to decarb rapidly at about 100-105ºC.
Smoking and vaping will decarb THCA efficiently.
I answered on the other thread ... cn


Well-Known Member
im not sure what to believe on the correct temps. im getting different numbers on everything i see. from what i can tell thc boils or evaps away at a lower temp than cbd. and this is what i want to do. my goal is to come out with a bud/extract or whathaveyou with a lower thc rate while trying to keep all or most of the cbd.


Ursus marijanus
im not sure what to believe on the correct temps. im getting different numbers on everything i see. from what i can tell thc boils or evaps away at a lower temp than cbd. and this is what i want to do. my goal is to come out with a bud/extract or whathaveyou with a lower thc rate while trying to keep all or most of the cbd.
Imo you're best off by starting with a CBD-heavy strain. Converting CBD to THC in the lab is fall-off-a-log easy. The reverse is effectively impossible. Been there done that. cn


Well-Known Member
Converting CBD to THC in the lab is fall-off-a-log easy. The reverse is effectively impossible. Been there done that. cn
im not trying to convert anything into thc. im trying to take out the thc and not destroy any of the cbd. its for medicinal reasons. it would be a way to get more cbd in your body without getting too stoned with the high thc count. a more equal ratio is what i want.


Ursus marijanus
im not trying to convert anything into thc. im trying to take out the thc and not destroy any of the cbd. its for medicinal reasons. it would be a way to get more cbd in your body without getting too stoned with the high thc count. a more equal ratio is what i want.
I get that. I do believe the ONLY way to do that is by starting with the right strain. I don't think post-harvest processing will succeed. There are a very few CBD-heavy strains out there. i will hunt for one as well this coming cool season. cn


Well-Known Member
i realize that cbd is up to 1% at the very most. this is why i want to take out the thc. so you can take a oz, roll it into a nice cigar, and smoke it throughout the day. it doesnt matter what the percentage is perse, as long as there is a more equal ratio.


Ursus marijanus
i realize that cbd is up to 1% at the very most. this is why i want to take out the thc. so you can take a oz, roll it into a nice cigar, and smoke it throughout the day. it doesnt matter what the percentage is perse, as long as there is a more equal ratio.
I have seen strains that have several per cent CBD and CBD:THC of 2:1. Those are what you might find useful. cn


Well-Known Member
but im still interested in the science of it all. so i wanna keep on lookin and see if i can do what ive been talkin about. itll be a while before i can set up a grow area and get some seeds.


Ursus marijanus
Ah, the seminal Adams paper.
You could separate them ... but it would require both the equipment and the know-how to run a fractional distillation under high vacuum and with an efficient column. Simply not worth the effort unless you had a well-equuipped process chem facility and lots of starting material. cn