ActinUhFool's 1st Indoor Grow Journal, with step by step calender


Well-Known Member
:leaf:Hey Hey fellow RollItUp'ers. This is my first indoor grow and i decide to make a step by step journal of my tasks. The main reason for me doing this is so i can GET SOME ASSISTANCE if needed, and to track my every step for my next grow.
I don't wanna go blabbing my mouth to my friends on what i have going assistance from friends online will be great.

I grow for personal medical uses only! Marijuana seems to help more with my bi-polar and manic depression better than other meds that make me feel like a fuckin zombie. Helps more than Depacote, Lithium, Paxil and all that shit.... I stopped taking all that shit and I stay to smoking marijuana. My finances arnt to great as of now due to the economy, so its alot easier and alot cheaper to grow my own stuff, rather than paying massive amounts for it on the street.

Ive decided to take several pics every other day to show the progress I'm making.
When i do something...i want to do it right! I CAN NOT stress that enough. I hate wasting my time by doing something half-ass. it makes me wanna smash my head into a wall:wall: So i did all the research i had to do before taking on this project.

I didn't purchase the seeds I'm currently using. The seeds I'm using are bag seeds. The bud i got these seeds from was amazing; dence, bright green, with orange and red hairs. Idk if it was an indica, sativia or hybrid mix.
This first grow is a test grow before i purchase seeds from Nirvana. I plan on tracking my every move and learning more as i grow. If all goes well, then i plan on purchasing an Indica or Indica Hybrid from Nirvana.
***Assistance to a great strain will be very helpful! I would like a decently fast Indica Plant, with a strong skunk, Sour D or "Afghan" smell...with typically higher yields.
*Any seeds purchased will be thru NIRVANA ONLY

~~Material Breakdown~~

11 Bag Seeds from a very good bud.
4"x4" Biodegratable Seedling Pots
Miracle-Gro Liquid Plant Food (8-7-6) <-Link
Miracle-Gro Seed Start Potting Mix <-Link
2- 48" 40W Cool White Florecent Lighting
1- 24" 20W Florecent Aquarium Plant Light
2- 36W CFLs
I have much more Floro & CFL lighting setups, but thats what I have set up as of now. Plus, I need the lighting for the 12/12 room I'm still putting together.

~~Room Setup~~
-Cieling and back wall are lined with Mylar Coated Fiberglass Insulation
-Box Type House Fan Placed in Room for Air Circulation
- Temp is between 76F-85F and humidity is between 62%-75%

Step 1: Germinated the seedlings in a paper towel on Feb. 28, 2009
Step 2: They sprouted enough by March 1st where I then placed them in soil.
Step 3: On March 5th all 11 seedlings sprouted out of the soil.
Step 4: March 7, 2009 i started taking photos




Well-Known Member
March 9, 2009
Plants are doing well as you can see in the pics. But there are 2 plants out of the 11 that are growing kind of wierd. On the 1 plant, the spiked leaves are shriveled up, and on the other one, the leaves arn't even there..hmmm gonna keep an eye on these 2

Photo 3...the one slow plant is on the left...2nd from last.
Photo 4..the other slow plant is on the right.
(all plants same age)



Well-Known Member
March 13, 2009
Took new pics of my lil babies today. They are all going strong...except the 2 that have down syndrome

You can see my 2 retarted babies in the 1st pic. The 2 plants that are the closest in the pic. Anyone have any ideas?

I been watering all my plants 3 times a day with a spray bottle. Water alone is sprayed directly on the soil.. No Fertilizer yet.



Well-Known Member
March 14, 2009

its been exactly one week since i planted the seeds in the soil. All plants...minus the 2 are doing great!

The 2 plants with "down syndrome" are not making that much progress...

and a new problem... i was watering my plants and i accidentally clipped a leaf. As you can see in picture 4.

Pic 1 is what all the plants look like (minus 2)
Pic 2 is the 2 down syndrome plants side by side
pic 3 is another shot of the 2 slow plants
Pic 4 is the plant i clipped by accident..
**pix @ post below.....sorry :(


Well-Known Member
March 15, 2009

I took new pix today, cuz the babies are 2 weeks old today.:clap:
I started to apply the fertilizer also..@ half dose. I think i will apply a half dose of fertilizer once a day all this week and see how they do. If i start seeing any signs of nute burn then ill go back to straight spring water like i have been using.
I placed another thread concerning the leaf i cut by accident. The link is above. I was basically told to leave it alone...and that i will do. Ill just keep an eye on it. you can see in the pic below i have a circle highlighting the area i snipped :wall:

My babies seem to be doing well.
Any Questions or Comments is greatly appreciated. (considering i seem to be the only one posting on this thread)

Considering these are bag seeds, and idk the strain... When will I be able to tell the strain or if its Indica, Sativa or Hybrid?



Well-Known Member
I placed a new thread and started discussing the problems I had with the two "down syndrome" plants.
After discussing it i came to the conclusion that the plant were not worth keeping. The seeds I got are bag seeds, so 2 shot seeds aint that big of a loss... so out off 11 i currently have 9 plants left. Im hoping atleast half the plants are female....but more than half will be better:)


Well-Known Member
March 17, 2009
Whats up ppl! Its been 2 days and its time to post an update on my 9 babies.
Plants are doing pretty well, although 2 plants have shriveled leaves. I placed a thread in the plant problem forum: link below

Also I was curious if this was time to top my plant. The plants are 2.5 weeks old today and i read somewhere that this would be a good time to start it. I placed another thread in general Marijuana Growing: link below...

I place other threads cuz i usually get a general answer. Ive asked questions in this grow journal and no body helps me out by answering :sad: so I get a more direct answer when i place other threads. Im kinda new to this forum, and i know on other forums this is looked down upon..but if it is here, Im sorry..:?

Also I was curious if anyone can tell if this is an Indica, Sativa or Hybrid yet? If not when will I be able to tell?

:leaf:The last pic is a pic i took an edited myself in photo shop. If anyone sees it and wants to use it, feel free to take it. Jus gimme a heads up so i know:leaf:



Well-Known Member
March 20, 2006

Today the 9 plants i have are finished there 2nd week... today I'm on day 14.

All the plants are growing very well and everything is going according to plan.
I had one problem the last few days... I had 4 plants get yellow tips on one leaf on each of the plants. No biggie. I checked for a problem and was told it was over fertilization. That's probably true, I shouldn't have added any fertilizer yet, there still to young. So for now: I'm flushing all the plants with water as much as i can, and i can already see an improvment since yesterday.

Below are several pics from today :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
March 22, 2009 - DAY 16
Well im on my 3rd week now and my plants seem to be doing very well. I transplanted a few of them into bigger pots today.
Also yesterday afternoon i topped 3 of the 9 plants that i have. I'll leave the other 6 alone for now.

Below are some pics from 3 hrs before the light cycle ends on day 16.

No ones leaving me any messages :sleep:



Well-Known Member
March 24, 2009
All plants to seem to be healthy and growing jus fine. Im gonna have to head to the store soon to pick up more organic top soil mix cuz the rest of my plants need to be transplanted soon.
Here are some pics to show there progress..all 9 plants look basically the sameck out the pix included except the 3 plants i topped on the 22nd.

Check out the pix included and lemme know what you think!




Well-Known Member
March 28, 2009
Hey everyone...
its been a few days since my last post.
Today my plants are in there 4th week. All my plants seem to be healthy and doing great. Below are some pictures from earlier today...

:leaf:Also is a pic of my thermometer... it always ranges between 74 and 82





Well-Known Member
March 30, 2009
Day 23 & 24 (some plants are one day older than others)

Its been 2 days since my last post and plants are doing extremely well, with not one sign of nute burn, deficiancy or over/under watering.:clap:

All Plants have been transplanted into larger pots and i have been using a good dose of fertilizer everyday (8-7-6) For watering i use 1.5 quarts of water and a half quart of fertilizer everyday spread out thru 9 plants. I'm gonna gradually even out the waterings...1 quart water, 1 quart fertlizer.


Pic 1: A Leaf from 1 of my plants. They either have 5 or 7 points
Pic 2, 3, 4: Pix of 3 seperate plants from my grow
Pic 5: My Grow Room. (2) 48" Cool White Floros, (1) 24" Plants/Aquarium Lighting, and (2) 36 Watt CFLs

I LOVE it when ppl leave comments and show there apperciation for my work. So leave all the comments you want :bigjoint:




Well-Known Member
Considering it is the end of the month, i will be posting my first monthly calender for everyone to view.

:blsmoke:I havnt seen anything like this before on this site, so i hope it will be useful to many ppl




Well-Known Member
April 1, 2009
Day 27

Hey guys....nothing really new except I used the FIM Method on one of my plants. Im gonna let it go and see how it does, then ill decide if i want to do it to more.

i also got 2 Haze seeds from a friend of mine. I placed them in a paoer towel to germinate and the seeds have already cracked.

Below are some pics of 4/1/2009



Well-Known Member
April 3, 2009
Well its been two days since my last update, so its time to post new pics with a report...

All my plants are doing extremely well. I have one plant that is yellowing out in the leaves a little, so I'm gonna skip fertilization for a little bit and see what happens...

Below are several pics from earlier today...

:leaf:Pic 1: Grow Room
:leaf:Pic 2: Plant Pic
:leaf:Pic 3: Close up of Stem Growths
:leaf:Pic 4: Top of a Topped Plant

