Acquired neglected plants, what do??

hey guys so i myself am a beginner grower and i took in these 3 plants from a friend of a friend and its supposedly "grandaddy purp" so i was all over the offer but when i got the plants they looked in horable condition here are some pics. i do have the room in my veg area to hold these but the question is:

A. do i try to salvage these plants and see if i can nurture them to a better state of being.

B. try to take as many clones from it as possible and throw away the plants and hope for the best.

like i said im a new grower as well and there are some pics of the damage i dont even know where to start. i currently put them under 4 4't12 florescent and am watering daily. is this worth my time?



Well-Known Member
LOts of TLC you will be shocked how much they can turn around water them nute them and veg them the fuck out. Trust me i had way worse turn out to be the best shit i ever had keep the faith


Well-Known Member
yeah they don't look too bad. You can still bring them back and probably get something from them.


Dont water daily for starters. Thats a big no no. Just relax, you've got these babies now and we are all here to get them back to health. They are not that bad and i have seen much worse.
I'm not sure your lighting is up to much for all them throughout their whole growth cycle but will be ok for the min while they are recovering. You'll need to get some more though soon. I would keep them as plants, unless you wanted cuttings where by all means take some. If you just want to concentrate on these then dont, its up to you. Find out if they have been given any nutes. Test the ph run off. Put em on 18/6. Give them constant fresh air. Let the pots get dry, as in light to pick up. If you have been watering daily you have been satuating them. Get some more light in week or so, ideally an HID or some more cfls.


Well-Known Member
hey guys so i myself am a beginner grower and i took in these 3 plants from a friend of a friend and its supposedly "grandaddy purp" so i was all over the offer but when i got the plants they looked in horable condition here are some pics. i do have the room in my veg area to hold these but the question is:

A. do i try to salvage these plants and see if i can nurture them to a better state of being.

B. try to take as many clones from it as possible and throw away the plants and hope for the best.

like i said im a new grower as well and there are some pics of the damage i dont even know where to start. i currently put them under 4 4't12 florescent and am watering daily. is this worth my time?

Go with (A) clones would not do to well them now. Also do you know if its a girl yet?:weed:
Dont water daily for starters. Thats a big no no. Just relax, you've got these babies now and we are all here to get them back to health. They are not that bad and i have seen much worse.
I'm not sure your lighting is up to much for all them throughout their whole growth cycle but will be ok for the min while they are recovering. You'll need to get some more though soon. I would keep them as plants, unless you wanted cuttings where by all means take some. If you just want to concentrate on these then dont, its up to you. Find out if they have been given any nutes. Test the ph run off. Put em on 18/6. Give them constant fresh air. Let the pots get dry, as in light to pick up. If you have been watering daily you have been satuating them. Get some more light in week or so, ideally an HID or some more cfls.
i currently have them on 24hr light.18/6 is a better fit? i will get more floro/ or cfls soon. so i should stop watering everyday? so i should water when the soil is dry im assuming and unsure of what you meant by " Let the pots get dry, as in light to pick up"
i currently have them on 24hr light.18/6 is a better fit? i will get more floro/ or cfls soon. so i should stop watering everyday? so i should water when the soil is dry im assuming and unsure of what you meant by " Let the pots get dry, as in light to pick up"
Even healthy plants need time to rest. Give the plants 6 hours of sleep every day and you'll see them get healthy faster.

What the other person said is yes, stop watering every day. What "light to pick up" means is that you should pick up your pots after you've watered them and get used to the weight, then you know it's time to water when the pots feel light.
ok will start the 18/6. im almost positive they are female i looked at each one and they have no sacks and showing hairs. but "supposedly" they came from cali(bay area) as clones from someones grow. so maintaining a proper ph, suficient watering, and good environment, they should start to grow healthier on their own?? any other steps i should take to get these girls growing better
If you can tell sex then they've already gone to flower. You're going to have to bring those plants to veg to get them healthy so expect to wait a long time before you see growth. Another thing to keep in mind, when you're ready to put your plants in flower make sure that the time your lights come on stays the same so the plants have the same "dawn".