Well-Known Member
Wow nice build. One run with the c02 and AC and the venting will only be used for backup. I ran for years venting, I am still air cooling one of my flower rooms now, but as soon as I can afford it I'm adding ac and C02.
I doubted the difference C02 makes before I tried it, but it way more than pays for any extra electric cost associated with AC.
I have foam like you used on one of my walls, you just drywalled right over it? I'm thinking I might do that. Did you use and plastic for like a balor or moisture barrier anywhere?
Yes all the walls have reflective foam insulation taped at the joints. And the whole room poly'd and joints covered with acoustiseal black tar. Taped all joints on the poly sheeting. Then I put the drywall and mud. After I am done sanding I am gonna paint with the white roof paint. As it is right now you drop some water on the concrete and the spot is wet forever. Lol def will need a dehumidifier. She's sealed ass tight.
And I was debating if putting in the 12" vents was a good or bad idea (as it might introduce a leak to a tight room). But I got back draft dampers to stop outside air floating in. Plus I'd be pissed if I did end up needing it and not having it.
Do you not vent your CO2 at lights out?