haha, yo meatwad whats up!
thats funny man, i just got back from one of my spots and now i see poison ivy everywhere and its def where i got it from! i can now tell what it looks like be the redish new growth, thanks for the tip. ive also spotted some P oak and i grabbed a P sumac tree yesterday! ive been able to keep it off me by washing with mud and stream water before i leave. then when i get home i rinse with cold water and wipe myself down with rubbing alcohol on a rag. also wash my clothes and partially clean my boots off. havent seen any more show up on me yet!
oh yeah if you do manage to get it again try ZANFEL you can get it at rite-aid cvs its $40 bucks and worth every penny. about 10 seconds after i put it on i couldnt feel a thing, it was fuckin great, i was rubbin it in good too and it felt like i was just washIN like i do everyday. one application last me like 20hrs of complete relief, a few more applications and it is all dried up and dead now, i got rid of it in 8 days !!! UNBLIEVABLE STUFF! im usually have it for 3-4 weeks!
the spot that i went too today i am no longer using because of the ivy everywhere, im not too worried about gettin it again but it makes my eyes itchy and swollen just bein near it, fuck that! i would suggest you do the same, think about how much of a pain in tha ass itll be all summertryin to avoid the ivy. whatever you do dont go tearin it up or cuttin it, inside the plants is where the uruishoil is the most potent, ive read that even the roots can give you a rash! i also read that itll just keep comin back after you pull it up, its a very resilliant plant. id ditch that spot!maybe go back around harvest time and see if theres any bud? sorry to hear about it man, best of luck to the rest of your grow!
ps. iread that it only gets stronger over the summer, and scientist say it has been getting more potent over time?