Acidic soil, flushing? Desperate for help!!

If you step step back a bit then you will see that you cannot over water. People use Sips and dutch buckets, Hempys and even float plants on a body of water. The problem that people associate with over watering is actually not enough O2 in the root zone. This why majority of soil growers use perlite in their soil mix, it traps air.
I am using a pre mix loaded with perlite. the roots are turning brown, i know for sure they were suffocated.
I might possiblly have a fungus growth going on, not sure, I fed the healthier ones with mychorizae and slf today and hoping that helps otherwise i guess they'll just keep going until they're done. some of them seem totally fine which is what's been frustrating the hell out of me, until 2 days ago when i checked the ph on all of them and now all of a sudden all of the plants have dark brown/black spots. I'm not imagining things, may have made things worse, but certainly the issue was there before i started chasing my own tail.
I didn't do a flush until today dude, and I was feeding at 1200 ppm organic food up until things just kept progressing worse and worse. I think I have root rot and feeding until the cows come home isn't gonna help me. Anyhow, I only flushed the absolute worst looking ones and I have a feeling it couldn't hurt worse than they already were. I've already adjusted watering schedule and volume. I'm nearly week 6 so Idk if I can salvage the season for some of the plants but they're gonna finish one way or the next I guess.
Long as they finish is the goal. Bush lottery.
I dont own a PPM meter so dont understand what a good PPm is. I don't bother PHing soil grows at all. I use a PH meter in my soil less though.
Whats the buds look like?
Well I only did a slurry test and took the soil from 2 inches deep, I was assuming the ph could be much lower near the bottom. However I am fairly certain I do have the beginning of root rot forming from overwater and a couple bad hot days. Ive begun treating that already with fungicide and hygrozyme/cannazyme. In reference to your point I though calcium couldn't absorb under 6.2?
Lots of people foliar feed Calcium.
I obsessed everything, the problem was just getting the ferts right. Soils here are weak, first true leaves show and if I don't add ferts the seedling grows at a slow pace and yellow dark not good growth with burnt tips edges and weak limp leaves.
So I did a flush with 3 gallons of water and the ppm in the runoff was 2000, ph was 5.9. So I'm assuming my salt buildup is what is fucking me? Should I keep flushing until my ppms come down? We're coming up on week 6 and almost no bud growth in 1.5 weeks on some of the ladies, others have just been stunted. My tap water comes out at 7.8 and ppm is 150. Alkalinity is 40 ppm. So I've switched from distilled to tap because I believe if I'm not mistaken I need to add alkalinity and flush the bad salts. Thoughts? Also guys there's more than one way to skin a cat maybe be kinder to each other.
Listen disregard this clown. He’s not even understanding what I’m telling you. Yes if you have high ph water going in even if the ppms are ~250 (my tap ppm) it will change the ph of the soil with enough waterings. Tons of guys on here do it and grow major plants. Keep doing what you’re doing. I would stop flushing and just use your tap water.
Listen disregard this clown. He’s not even understanding what I’m telling you. Yes if you have high ph water going in even if the ppms are ~250 (my tap ppm) it will change the ph of the soil with enough waterings. Tons of guys on here do it and grow major plants. Keep doing what you’re doing. I would stop flushing and just use your tap water.
thanks man, yeah I'm foliar feeding for now with kelp until the roots can aborb nutes, gonna keep going that direction and pray i guess.