
well after i was arrested back in 01 i havent seen acid much in my city...thats why this post is up here...the worst i ever did was 4 hits liquid an 4 hits paper jerry garcia that was a fun one....8 hours later i took 2 more jerry's an it just enlongated the trip i didn't get any more fucked up....
best acid I had was actaully at Bonnaroo this year. I had 3 1/2 hits (my friend wanted a half because we were told they were good, an understatement) at 3 p.m. and at the same time the next day I was waiting for the trip to end so I could take my mushrooms. Didnt really matter I just wanted to know how long the stuff was going to last. Still dont know to this day. All I can say is that was the best acid I've ever had, I've tripped harder but only on tenstrips. I got lost and didnt find my campsite until 5 a.m. still tripping balls. If you go to Bonnaroo, don't go on Wednesday before it starts, you'll be stuck out far as fuck from the concerts but walking through the forest was definitely worth it.