ACE Golden Tiger and Malawi

Golden Tiger Malawi Dom according to the breeder.

I took her to 105 days or so and had to pull her she could of gone another 30 days easy. This picture is around day 60. The high is very mentally devastating and electric I find it impossible to concentrate on doing anything. I have never smoked weed I thought was "trippy" but this is the only weed that has affected my sight causing light to flicker and my vision seemed to skip slightly if that makes sense. Enjoyable high all around if you dont have anything you need to get done.

WOOT! I love
"I think I'm dying, wait....nope ya I'm dying!!!!!"
cannabis! I can't wait till harvest (prolly in January )
the "very clean is this dastardly tent growing I am forced into right now (I live in THE town of FLAKIEST hippies, so powder mildew is a regular airborne inhalant in these parts) I cut veg leaf and lollipop WAY more than I would if I wasn't confined so much.
Sh*t, my plants are lucky to have 5 petioles on leaves before I start the mainlining. I like to practice AST(AggressiveStressTraining). I start plant raping early and make them FIGHT to survive; sometimes as early as 3rd node the second my blades won't FIM the site. This Malawi was cropped that early and then (not entirely intentional I must humbly add) Nute locked to near clorophyl death. Quite possible the tap root was killed during transplant through that mess also.
This vicious cruelty combined with ruthless culling seems to make the ladyboy thing non existant in my breeding and grows.

And yes she mainlined with ease.

I thought I was rough shaking the fuck out of little seedlings to get them transferred and then starting to hack them when they were only 4, bound down for mainlining at same point.
Cool yeah I was thinking six nodes before first snip was excessive, thanks good thread

if you zoom in on the side view shot of my plant you will see an incomplete ring on the stock representing the single petiole leaf that begins with a seedling (not cotyldon but the one after), then 1,2,3 rings followed by the mainline split at 4. So this plant was snipped as soon after not FIMming could be done on the 4th node. I have done it on 3 before. Don't always do it, just when I want to do some testing on something new.
if you zoom in on the side view shot of my plant you will see an incomplete ring on the stock representing the single petiole leaf that begins with a seedling (not cotyldon but the one after), then 1,2,3 rings followed by the mainline split at 4. So this plant was snipped as soon after not FIMming could be done on the 4th node. I have done it on 3 before. Don't always do it, just when I want to do some testing on something new.

I see what you're saying cool. I like how you threaded them inside the lowest ring for support than outside for expansion. How was she on N uptake, she's nice and green, was it hard to dial in?
its day 21 of 12\12 and this girl took a bit to show flower. This is my first run with it, learning as I go. Ya that inside threading forms a basket, lots of popcorn in there (maybe something better than popcorn even) BOWL OF BUD I am hoping. I have her in soil that is not so heavily ammended and have watered with NFG full reg about 3 times so far. Dialing in as we speak.
Cool yeah I was thinking six nodes before first snip was excessive, thanks good thread
A bit more on this. Here is an AKG tester I have cut at 4th node (thats counting the cotyldon node) **spots on leaves is coconut water residue****20151028_204136.jpg
a different AKG tester also at 4 nodes counting the Cotyldon node.
A plant from my AKG LVPK BX#1 male to a Cannabiogen Taskenti female I cropped at 4 nodes counting cotyldon
Testers don't look like they are dying
And this lvpk bx X Taskenti seems ok

I say chop away as soon as you can avoid FIMing. I am honestly not sure if I have ever lost a start from doing it this early. It does not have a detrimental effect to internodal distance on heavy indicas that I have ever noticed.


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Ace Malawi day 51. That is Sour Dubb at day 39 photobombing the shot.
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View attachment 3551797

Nice plant structure you have there. That is a heck of a range of scents going on. I remember skunky, pineapple and burnt rubber smells. Skunk,c99,and sensi star. Have any of you guys had good luck with sourcing directly from ace to get your stock?
I looked at Hebie's but cant get myself to order from the U.K. anymore.
Nice plant structure you have there. That is a heck of a range of scents going on. I remember skunky, pineapple and burnt rubber smells. Skunk,c99,and sensi star. Have any of you guys had good luck with sourcing directly from ace to get your stock?
I looked at Hebie's but cant get myself to order from the U.K. anymore.

The odor is still changing; shoe polish is almost gone and banana fumes are fading behind Spicy wood which is taking over. no pineapple or skunk here at all at any time during the flower cycle.