One can hope MILF. However, my opinion regarding our representatives has become somewhat jaded over time.... think RP has been talking some sense into some of them..
Dr. Frankensteins Wall Street by Victor Davis Hanson on National Review Online
Dr. Frankensteins Wall Street
We may be victims of greedy investors and inept pols but not innocent victims.
By Victor Davis Hanson
But no one dares to ask what really drove the wheeler-dealer portfolio managers. Who re-elected these shady politicians of both parties? Who fostered the cash-in culture in which both Wall Street profit mongering and Washington lobbying are nourished and thrive? We citizens did red-state conservatives and blue-state liberals, Republicans and Democrats, alike.
Cleared some space MILF.Dave your box is full.
1 of 2 has to win.....has to. Sucks to be us. Has to.Oh...And just look around here....We're going to do it again in November.
<Dave queues in Pink Floyd>1 of 2 has to win.....has to. Sucks to be us. Has to.
PS- I'm 29. I'll probably quit at some point. Not yet though. Not yet.
<Dave queues in Pink Floyd>
"What did you dream? It's alright, we told you what to dream!"
LMFAO.. omg, that email is still going around?!?!i will tll you all i read an email today that was more than enlghtening.
with the 85 B congress used to buy up bad debt from AIG,
The gov't could have given 200,000,000 adults(rough guess, 300 million total americans) each roughly 475,000 a piece.
with this the gov't could tax it and earn 25.5 B back.
what would you do with 327,000 dollars?
pay off you house?
buy a new car?
invest in the economy?
most i have talked to said they would retire?
probably not too many mickey d workers.
i will post the email tomorrow, it is at work, but some guy is a friggin' genious.