Accidentily changed light schedule mid-flowering, how screwed am I?


I woke up this morning and found my lights on way earlier than they should have been. I think I bumped my light timer pushing in the pins and giving it close to a 18/6 light cycle. I switched it back to 12/12 but it must have stayed on 18'6 for at least a few days. I am early to mid flowering but I am worried about what this could do to the plant. Is there any chance it could switch to a hermaphrodite because of stress?
I'm sure this probably slowed down flowering by a bit but I am just worried about what is going on in the plant.

If it helps:
CFL, coco coair, mostly indica, about 2 1/2''


Well-Known Member
most likely it will not harm the plant. I have re vegged plants after harvest by switching back to 18/6 after harvesting the buds with no ill probably delayed flowering by a few days but nothing else.


Well-Known Member
I woke up this morning and found my lights on way earlier than they should have been. I think I bumped my light timer pushing in the pins and giving it close to a 18/6 light cycle. I switched it back to 12/12 but it must have stayed on 18'6 for at least a few days. I am early to mid flowering but I am worried about what this could do to the plant. Is there any chance it could switch to a hermaphrodite because of stress?
I'm sure this probably slowed down flowering by a bit but I am just worried about what is going on in the plant.

If it helps:
CFL, coco coair, mostly indica, about 2 1/2''
I think it will be good. If you have bad genetics then you may get a hermies so just keep your eye out.
And quit fucking up. Lol


Well-Known Member
I woke up this morning and found my lights on way earlier than they should have been. I think I bumped my light timer pushing in the pins and giving it close to a 18/6 light cycle. I switched it back to 12/12 but it must have stayed on 18'6 for at least a few days. I am early to mid flowering but I am worried about what this could do to the plant. Is there any chance it could switch to a hermaphrodite because of stress?
I'm sure this probably slowed down flowering by a bit but I am just worried about what is going on in the plant.

If it helps:
CFL, coco coair, mostly indica, about 2 1/2''
If you feel you didn't actually bump the timer then keep an eye on those tabs. I have had the same issues with the fuckers pushing themselves in! Turning on late/early/middle of dark ect... Worth keeping an eye on it.