Accidentally Started Flowering... Consult needed


Well-Known Member
Hey, I took all my plants outside to get some sunlight and save me some electric coin. Well, the indicas started to veg... which is bad, because I want to plant these babies outdoors come may. Anyway, I returned them to the lights and they are still vegging. Is this going to mess up my plants at all, any unforeseen ramifications?


Well-Known Member
Hey, I took all my plants outside to get some sunlight and save me some electric coin. Well, the indicas started to veg... which is bad, because I want to plant these babies outdoors come may. Anyway, I returned them to the lights and they are still vegging. Is this going to mess up my plants at all, any unforeseen ramifications?
Did you mean flower where you typed veg?
Or the other way around? Your title and post dont match up.

The short story is the plant will go either way, from veg to flower or flower to veg, without complaining tooo much (ie dieing). It will probably stunt its growth for a week or two as it sorts things out inside.