Accidentally re-vegged


My ladies were in about week 7 of flower when I realized my lights had been on 24/7 for the past 10 days or so. I had noticed odd growth from the buds which tipped me off to the lights. They've obviously re-vegged, so I flipped the switch back to 12/12 a couple of days ago. They still had about 2-3 weeks to go in flower, so I'm wondering what to expect next


Well-Known Member
A big ole cluster fuck. I'd just chop them down and cut the losses unless you don't mind waiting another 8+ weeks. They aren't going to pick up where they left off. There's also a chance they can hermie and spew juice and seed themselves up too.


did u cut them down or try to finish them?? have just done the exact same thing but between 3 and 9 days (not sure which...) was at 5 weeks into flower .... freaking out here ha...


Well-Known Member
O.K. First a disclaimer.
I have never been in your situation and don't know what I'm talking about (seriously).
However, this is what I would try.
72 hours of dark.
Back to 12/12.
Keep an eye out for hermies.
Watch Trich's.
Expect an extra 3 weeks flowering time (on top of the 10 days).
Don't take this as gospel. It's more of a vaguely educated guess.


Thanks. Before reading ur advice i stuck them straight back into 12/12, thinking i shouldn't cause them any more stress ( it was half way thru their light cycle so they got around 18 hours darkness) maybe ill give them another full day of dark? They had defo re vegged as leaves growing straight out of bud...

had read somewhere it takes 6 weeks before they go back into flower and then another 8/9 weeks to flower as normal , so if it only takes an extra 3 weeks ill be a (relatively) happy camper :)

will post findings anyway as cant find info on this anywhere ...

i guess im never going on holidays again :(


Well-Known Member
No worries mate,
I would be very interested to find out what happens.
Can you please keep us all updated?
Many thanks. Cues.


Active Member
I planted a few plants outside too late in the spring and they revegged the same way, they were never the same, the old buds just died and turned Brown, a.few new buds half that size grew out of the old buds but they were ugly and deformed. Cut it down and cut your losses, smoke it as it is or make hash, bit I don't think the current buds will continue to mature like they would have uninterrupted.


Active Member
I visited with my neighbor yesterday who has some outside plants. He wasn't paying attention and moved them to a place in his yard where a security light was and left them there for a couple of weeks, I came by and noticed what he had done and told him he should move the plants. He did move them and they went back to flower after about 4 weeks, but they have tiny buds covered in amber trics now. What did you end up doing?


sorry for late reply, completely slipped my mind...

was only 3 plants (2 industrial and a moby dick) so went for it and everything turned out surprisingly well :) on a closer look one of the industrials was barely affected compared to the other two and it finished bang on time, the other ind was proper deformed and a good 10 days late plus was later found to have a couple of seeds in it...chopped the much later floweing moby down when spotted seeds in the other so it wasnt totally finished but smoke was pretty damn good from all 3 have to say... moral of the story if ur not staggering ur grows go for it :) :)


Just to follow up... I ended up harvesting a little more than half and just kept the rest under 12/12. It did go through its entire flower cycle again. It was just as good as the initial harvest, yield was almost identical, and didnt go hermie. Not bad all in all!