Accidentally Planted Photos and Autos in SAME box HELP


New Member
Okay so I have a Yielder Max Grow box and I'm using LED lights and LED sub strip lights on the sides. It comes pretty much complete will all you need. So I order and planted my seeds and I was planning on growing Auto's at the time because I wanted a nice full harvest to get things started. Unfortunately two seeds I planted, that I received free (Pure Kush) just happen not to be Autos. My two Autos are looking beautiful for 6 weeks yesterday, and the Pure Kush's are already in pre flower. I have my light cycle on 24/0 because I'm using LED's and the electric bills increase was very little.
I don't know what to do now. I want to have my Kush's ready. I mean I guess really I'm just an impatient new grower that cant wait to finish probably the only thing I've ever started. But will I guess my main question is
1.Can I change the light cycle at all to induce flowering of the Kush photo's?
2. Will it cause any real stress to my Auto's/ Reduce growth or yield?
PS Let me know how my plants look so far. So worried about there growth etc.. Especially since im the only grower I know
. IMG_20151015_110512.jpg
Swiss AUTO (Above)

Euphoria AUTO (Above)

Both Autos are 6 weeks old from day they popped soil**

BELOW are the KUSH Photos in Pre Flower. They have been in the same box with 24/0.



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You can flip to 12-12 I don't think it will stress the autos too much but yes you may lose a little yeild. The top plant is looking good but the bottom 2 look like they may be over watered and the euphoria looks like possible nitrogen toxicity notice how dark it is. What is your watering schedule? What are you feeding them? What soil and do you see adequate run off when you water and is the soil completely dry down 2"?
Could be my dumb camera because in natural light both Swiss and Euporia are same color. But what im feeding is the two AUTOS get 6ml (@ 6 weeks) now of Botanic Care Bloom CNS17 the bottle says. I got it with the box and took directions from the grow support on feeding with the nutes they've provided. The two KUSH are getting now ( @ week 5 for them ) 6ml of Botanic Care Grow 6ml. So far I water maybe 2 times a week, One with feeding and another about 5 days later to get soil a little moist for next feeding that I would give about 2 days after that. Occasionally I like spray under the leaves with some water to help keep the under leaves clean and pest free. Im going to look more into the nitrogen toxicity and let you know if that is a problem. Thanks so much for the help. Do you know how many weeks my Swiss will take, Soooo Impatient lol!
I'm using about a little less than half of nutes recommended. The bottle says 9ml for week 6 I use 6ml for week 6. Which was a suggestion from the creators of the box when I discussed with them.
If autos are pre programmed to flower as soon as they sprout basically , then I think the only problem you might have is smaller flowers and less of them. like New age said. You will get more out of your photo period plants at this point anyway. Give those what they need and let the autos figure it out
Thank I must have overwater im not sure. I have someone else in this house that has excess to my grow and I think secretly they think they know better than I do and they might have secretly watered without my knowledge. Im not sure Im going to have to watch my plants more carefully. It could be Nitrogen Toxicity but if it is how do I know for sure and how do I fix it? It there something I can do to test whether its Toxicity or Overwatering?
Could be my dumb camera because in natural light both Swiss and Euporia are same color. But what im feeding is the two AUTOS get 6ml (@ 6 weeks) now of Botanic Care Bloom CNS17 the bottle says. I got it with the box and took directions from the grow support on feeding with the nutes they've provided. The two KUSH are getting now ( @ week 5 for them ) 6ml of Botanic Care Grow 6ml. So far I water maybe 2 times a week, One with feeding and another about 5 days later to get soil a little moist for next feeding that I would give about 2 days after that. Occasionally I like spray under the leaves with some water to help keep the under leaves clean and pest free. Im going to look more into the nitrogen toxicity and let you know if that is a problem. Thanks so much for the help. Do you know how many weeks my Swiss will take, Soooo Impatient lol!
You might want to stop spraying the leaves they honestly shouldn't be drooping that bad even if you took the photo just after watering that looks like water stress. I would suggest you get ladybugs for the pests and transplant into air pots or root pouches, they provide better drainage and air saturation.
Thank I must have overwater im not sure. I have someone else in this house that has excess to my grow and I think secretly they think they know better than I do and they might have secretly watered without my knowledge. Im not sure Im going to have to watch my plants more carefully. It could be Nitrogen Toxicity but if it is how do I know for sure and how do I fix it? It there something I can do to test whether its Toxicity or Overwatering?
It coulda just been the lighting but by the sounds of what your feeding them it's not nitrogen toxicity. Either way they are definitely experiencing water stress.
Your ladies are to wet ( pity Err plants m8 eh! Lol)...Ease up on the water & let em dry out till pots are lite when you lift em.Top plant Swis auto looking OK....I'm new myself with only a few grows so far ..Just read online there's a million ways & means,advice,tips,pics,blogs,sites etc..Good Luck
Im hoping to change pots for my next growing cycle. I kinda just want to finish these, as right now my financial situation doesn't allow me to medicate as often as needed. Next cycle im looking at bigger space with much more room. I just needed something to be ready for me to make it through a longer cycle. Im making use of trim with bubble bags and I even bought Magical Butter Machine so I really am just waiting on these girls to grow. The two autos popped the soil September 2nd and the Kush a week after that. So I know that I'm looking at another month or so. I will be trying to harvest in sections. Still haven't done much reading on that. But what I think im going to do is stop watering for 3 days (my last feeding was scheduled for this Saturday) im going to wait to see if my leaves start to perk up.
Thank you all for your help.
SO UPDATE: Plants were totally underwatered. My plants are healthy about 2 days I realized the plant was doing worse. I consulted a grower I finally got the number of and once he came over all was well. He told me to water a little more often and since then ive had no trouble. My camera is terrible but heres a quick pic.
Swiss & Euforia AUTO


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