Accidental Growths - Came home from school to a skunky room


Well-Known Member
quite and interesting post. my advice for what its worth is along what everyone else is sayin. you could maybe transplant CAREFULLY, id recommend your moms help if she has any kinda green thumb. or euthenise all but the best one. or flower them, see if any are female and axe all but the female. there is also the cloning option, just take from the plants in that pot and make of them a new plant, and get a decent light set up for it. or keep it outside. cuz stretching is bad. which may knock out all hopes of cloning. i tried to clone 3 really stretched plants when i was still noobish. the stems were kinda hollow.. and the clones failed. coulda been my inexperience then, i recently cut 2 clones from a good plant and they seem fine.


PS and be sure to check out the growfaq its super helpfull


Well-Known Member
looks like your plants are doing pretty good so id say just keep doin what your doin and you plants should grow nice and healthy so what kind are they?