Accidental Growths - Came home from school to a skunky room


Active Member
Basically about a little less then a month ago, I talked to my mom jokingly about growing some marijuana in my room. She knew I had seeds as I had shown them to her and she politely said "why not give it a try". So I threw a few seeds in a pot in my room with a plant already grown in it, expecting maybe a little pot leaf plant to grow at best. However, I came home to find two pretty substantial plants and another little guy on the way. Basically, what I want to know is, can I continue to grow from here and possibly yield some smokeable buds? I will post some pics in a reply to show any who is concerned where these plants are at in their growth stage. I'm almost positive that they are all female seeing as they seem to have little pods with 2 pistils coming out of each side and no ball shaped male oriented growths. The leaves seem to be fairly thin, and the stems as well. The stems are around a half an inch thick, give or take a few mm. About 3 or 4 of the leaves have a slight light brown "dead leavish" look on the front of the flower. And a few smal tiny flowers seem to have completely withered and hang down. However, the majority of the rest of the flowers seem to be growing quite nicely. My mom said she usually just opens the windows every day and waters it about every few days. Today, I just started getting serious about the growing so I threw a plant fertilizer packet in the soil and watered it with about 3 cups of water. So basically, all I want to know is where sould I go from here?

Well-Known Member
Basically about a little less then a month ago, I talked to my mom jokingly about growing some marijuana in my room. She knew I had seeds as I had shown them to her and she politely said "why not give it a try". So I threw a few seeds in a pot in my room with a plant already grown in it, expecting maybe a little pot leaf plant to grow at best. However, I came home to find two pretty substantial plants and another little guy on the way. Basically, what I want to know is, can I continue to grow from here and possibly yield some smokeable buds? I will post some pics in a reply to show any who is concerned where these plants are at in their growth stage. I'm almost positive that they are all female seeing as they seem to have little pods with 2 pistils coming out of each side and no ball shaped male oriented growths. The leaves seem to be fairly thin, and the stems as well. The stems are around a half an inch thick, give or take a few mm. About 3 or 4 of the leaves have a slight light brown "dead leavish" look on the front of the flower. And a few smal tiny flowers seem to have completely withered and hang down. However, the majority of the rest of the flowers seem to be growing quite nicely. My mom said she usually just opens the windows every day and waters it about every few days. Today, I just started getting serious about the growing so I threw a plant fertilizer packet in the soil and watered it with about 3 cups of water. So basically, all I want to know is where sould I go from here?
get some serious light on them , and organic foliar feed once a week.


Well-Known Member
All the information you need is here and can be searched for....You seem smart so I'm sure this will be the easiest way until you get some hard questions. But the basics are fairly simple.

closet grower

Well-Known Member
I agree... you will find anything and everything you need to know in here but it will take some patience and alot of reading. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics I just took. The quality isn't that good considering I used photo Booth on my Mac to take the pics. Hope they serve as a decent indicator to someone. Any help would be awesome!! Thanks!
That's awesome that you chose, of all plants, mother's-in-law tongue to throw the seeds into. :lol:


Well-Known Member
you officially have the coolest mum ever - not only does she allow you to grow in her house, but she's been watering them for you too! LOL

most people grow them in pots that size, but you're growing 2 plants in the one pot and i'm sure they'd be competing for nutrients and root space..

you'll definitely need more light but the other plant will also compete for that.

i'd treat this as a fun experiment for now and apply what you learn to your next grow.


Active Member
If this is too small of a pot for 3 plants.... can I somehow take the 2 out and replant them? Will this work? or will they die in the process?


Well-Known Member
Personally I think they're too into it to be disentangled easily. Trim them down and let 'em go. One of the reasons why they're a bit gangly, I think, is because the mother's-in-law tongue doesn't require much light or attention. It also doesn't like too much water. Just trim them back a bit, let them grow together, it's not the end of the world if they do. Or, you could select out one plant, cut the others back severely (which may very well prompt some serious growth).


Active Member
Seamaiden.... I'm not too sure about what you mean by this previous post. Can you clarify?
What do you mean exactly by trimming them down and letting them go? Also, what effect does the mother's tongue have on these plants?


Well-Known Member
i think he means pick the most healthy plant and kill the other two, maybe also you could just kill the OTHER RANDOM PLANT in the pot with it, unless your mum really likes her other plant


Well-Known Member
you should be able to repot all the plants if you are carefull smaller roots can be trimed its the main tap root you cant how do you think they get bonsai it stay in their pots be VERY carefull if you decide to try or if your sure there female take some clones to grow properly cloneing is pretty simple hen you know how as has already been said this site will tell you everythin & more happy growin kid


Well-Known Member
Seamaiden.... I'm not too sure about what you mean by this previous post. Can you clarify?
What do you mean exactly by trimming them down and letting them go? Also, what effect does the mother's tongue have on these plants?
The plant that your weed is growing with is called, among other things, mother's-in-law tongue (Sanseveria spp. if I recollect... something like that anyway) it's a very easy plant to grow, doing well in low light, low moisture, and just seems to "prefer" neglect. It is considered a succulent. The pot plants appear to be well on their way. That means, to me, that their roots are well-grown together, not just with each other but with the plant whose pot they're sharing. So, it seems to me that you can do a couple of things. It's this plant.. yes?

You can try to separate them, but I think you would risk all the plants for that. It's one thing to disentangle the roots, but to get everything replanted so it'll take is another thing entirely.

Or, you can select one of them that will get the attention and the good conditions, cut the others down to their bases and kill them.

Or, you can trim them all down because they look leggy, as though they're reaching for the light, and let them grow together as a family seeing as how they're all getting along fairly well. Then, just take it from there.

Does that make more sense?

Btw, "maiden" means he is a she. ;)