Accidental fertilization, remove premature seeds?2


Active Member
I posted this and the newbie forum and didn't get a definite answer - sorry to make a duplicate thread, hopefully ill have better luck here

Hey all,
I had a male puncture some of its pollen sacks when it they hit the cfls. I immediately removed the male plant (which made horrible cannabutter). The female had just started flowering and now, about 10-14 days later, it appears there are seeds growing ( some pistils retract into seed-shaped housings). Not everywhere, but not too few that I can ignore it. I was wondering if it would be beneficial to carefully remove these premature seeds so the energy can go into producing thc?

btw, the seeds would be worthless.
Thanks all


Well-Known Member
its too late. removing the seeds would only damage your plant. i would let the seeds fully develop and germinate them for your next grow. live and learn.