Acapulco Gold & Red Dragon - feminized


Well-Known Member
Hey there all - for those looking for updates..... this will be my final post in this journal - I hope I answer what needs to be answered - here goes!

Acapulco Gold

The AG was a great success - the yield wasn't anything amazing as we ended up with only around 1 oz per plant, but the end product was well worth it! The best way to describe it is a strong sativa high with very condensed fruity flavors - a joy to roll leaving your fingers smelling like fresh citrus peel. My wife and I enjoy a single joint of it and that's all we need for a busy afternoon of cleaning, exercising and deep conversations. I've noticed a 'transcendental' effect from this bud which sometimes makes me wonder 'where the day went'....definitely mind-numbing if it's over-done - don't need too much of this stuff at a time - exquisitely potent!

Red Dragon

This is the second time i've grown out Barney's Red Dragon - looking back, I'm not sure if I gave it quite enough time to completely finish, but it didn't seem to matter in the long run as the smoke still oozes that quality I've grown to expect from all of Barney's strains I've grown thus far. The high is relaxing yet some-what uplifting - not nearly as much as the AG, but enough that it doesn't couch-lock you. It's a nice head to body stone leaving enough of a heady-high to keep you acitve and mellow - a nice mid-evening smoke that won't put you to bed immediately. With only the one plant, we ended up with about an ounce from this one but again due to it's potency, we'll be smoking it for a few months yet, especially since it's not the only thing we have on the shelf currently! Definitely a smooth smoker - no choking on this one - but that could definitely be due to my 'Final Phase' flushing as well.

Hope you all enjoyed this grow as much as I have - be sure to check out my other grows as well. I have Blue Venom (G13 Labs) about 4-5 weeks into flower right now and will be starting 'Tangerine Dream' (brand new Barney's strain) later this month along with Mandela's 'Beyond The Brain' - should be an awesome grow as I run a waterfarm side-by-side soil to compare! Stay tuned and check my recent posts to find my latest journals.

Cheers! :leaf: