Acapulco Gold, CFL + HPS. Small/Novice grow


Alright so it kind of sucks nobody like to respond. But if you do view this as I see people do, please answer this question.

I'm going to get a 400W HPS, and I want to start a new grow. Do you think 400W is enough for 6 plants, probablly flower them at about 1.5 ft.? Also, my plants are now defintely flowering. If I started a new batch of plants at 20/4 lighting, and put these flowering plants under that light, would they reveg, or continue flowering?

Anyways, here is probablly about week 2 of my ladies of 12/12. I'm thinking about taking the scrog off and just tying down the main cola (because during the 12 hours of darkness it stretches like 2-3" !!), but there are like 14 other branches coming up, so I should have a bunch of small colas.

I would love to hear some feedback on this grow so far



Well-Known Member

The ladies seem to be coming along quite nicely for two weeks into flower. Impressive to see what you did with a 100w hps and a few cfls. You will certainly be pleased with the difference the 400w HPS will make. You might have been able to get a bit more out of the grow by vegging a bit longer, but I'm not sure if that is the case with the CFLs.

I grow with a 250w hps, but will be switching to a 400w in a couple months, when my new grow room is set up. 6 plants in a 3x3 space is what I'm going for, and hope to pull 14 zips or so from it each harvest-- I will still be going with a scrog setup. For you, I would recommend starting flowering a bit shorter than 1.5 ft at first, until you know how the strain reacts to your new setup.

I'm not certain what you mean about adding new plants, but I think you are asking if adding additional plants to the flowering group would cause the flowering plants to revert (or reveg). If I've got it right, you have nothing to worry about. The only thing that would cause your flowering plants to stop flowering is to mess up their darkness period.

Up to you about taking off the scrog, but it seems to be working for your plants, and at this point, you can just leave the screen in place, allowing the plant to flower as the will. If you take the screen away, the branches will tend to move up toward the light, and you could lose the benefit of the work you have put in already.

In response to an earlier questions: don't trim any of the leaves at this point. The plants need all the energy they can get from your lighting sources. You will see the bottom leaves start to yellow and drop within a few weeks-- that's the way the plant prunes itself.


Thanks for the response man. This is my last update before I switch to the 400W. I will be getting two new plants as well, LA confidential and some sour kush. So I will have 4 ladies flowering under it.

Anyways, heres the last pics of my grow box.



Well-Known Member
wow man! They look great, my Acapulco Gold is just over a week old from seed, I can't wait to get to that stage :weed:


temps are around 82-85 during the day, and 75 at night. its only a 3/4 area, as in the front is open. The walls are only mylar, so the heat can escape pretty easily. The other two plants just showed sex after 2 nights, both female. I transplanted my two into larger pots, with a bit of bone meal (6-9-0), so hopefully they don't get stressed and enjoy the phosphorous. This is really the first time I've used any kind of fertilizer this whole grow. I`ve just been using water from my outdoor pond (with a lot of fish, therefor fish emulsion). And bajafox, the one thing I noticed above anything about the acapulco`s is that they have a really strong, sweet smell, hopefully you get it too haha, good luck

Here`s some pics today



The acapulco gold really looks sativa, and the hairs actually are starting to turn gold/deep yellow. Its stretching like crazy, but the buds aren't filling out that much. The warlock is getting a massive main bud, and all the other branches are really starting to thicken up. Interesting to see how indica flowers compared to the sativa.



Heres an update to those who care lol.

I'm starting to notice a slight smell, not weed but kind of like dead plant matter/maybe mold?? I'm hoping to god I dont have budrot, so I added another fan blowing over the clustered up main cola (on the warlock). Thats where it kind of smells the most. Other than that, the smell of the AG is sweet and sour :D. Intoxicating just to the nose, I'm very happy with the way this strain is filling out, but you can definately tell the sativa in it will give it a much longer flowering time.

A couple hairs on the warlock have some brown in them, but like one in a million. It is definately starting to fill out tho, just like a maturing lady should :). Its been flowering for about 4.5-5 weeks I think, so I'm hoping to see some serious bud growth these next weeks coming :).

I'mm hoping for about 2oz's per plant, which seems reasonable given the amount of buds they are pushing out :). I was also thinking of adding a UV light, because apparently trichromes are natures way of protecting a plant from UV. Though I don't want to harm the plant, only encourage it to produce more trichs...I dunno though, and adice on that??




To add to my above post:

Switched to 12/12 on July 14
Pistils appeared on July 20

So those pics are of flowering at 4 weeks and 3 days approx.


Active Member
nice bud formation on these. Really interested in AG, would like to pick some of those beans up for sure. Did you get those from attitude?


Well-Known Member
Beautiful plants :weed:

I'm going to veg my AG a few more weeks and take some clippings before putting her into 12/12, I cant wait till she looks like that :)


Thanks for the response guys.

Gamestation I did get them from the attitude seedbank, where they came from Barney's farm. I really enjoyed growing this strain. I had one outside (which I payed no attention to) and had to get rid of it because of neighbours, so i chopped it down. There was a tiny little branch at the bottom still, and after about 2 weeks now, there is like 3 new leafs sets on it haha, definately a survivor.

Anyways they have now been flowering for I think just over 60 days so I'm guessing harvest time soon.

The buds on the AG are getting too big for the branches to hold up, a lot of the branches are falling over because of the bud mass haha :D.

I smoked some premature buds (one branch from each plant), and wow talk about ripped. I had to microwave it to dry it but the smoke was still awesome (better than the street stuff here). The AG tastes fruity, and just has an overall strong effect on the pallette lol, and gets you RIPPED. The warlock didnt really taste like anything but got me just about as stoned. I can only imagine how to final product will be after they are actually done + cured properly instead of microwaved :D.

Cant wait to check out the buds you get off the AG baja, and I'm gonna check out your journal for the cole train since I will grow that soon as it was another freebie

heres some more pics from today, cheers guys!



That first picture is my favorite. It's the main cola of the AG. About 1.5ft. tall, and growing bigger all the time :)


harvested the warlock today and got a lot more than i thought, im definately happy with the results. I've still yet to smoke non microwave dried bud, but even the fast dry gets me ripped. a real heavy body buzz, and makes me eyes disgustingly red. the taste hasn't really developed yet either so i plan on curing it for a while. it weighed around 260g wet.
the ag stil looks like it has a while to go, atleast 2+ weeks.



Well-Known Member
Nice harvest man!! My AG is going into 12/12 as soon as the top roots, hopefully in about 101 - 12 days. Can't wait to see your AG harvest :weed: