ac on or auto?


Well-Known Member
So I'm wondering what's more energy efficient having the AC on, or on auto? Either way thermostat is still controlling temp right. In my head having the AC on is more efficient


Well-Known Member
That's how I rock mine, always on until the lights shut off. I just found the right temp on my ac unit to keep the room cool. I did have to shoot it upwards though if it constantly hits the taller plants I notice it being a little too cold on their leaves.


Well-Known Member
A/C units are expensive to have serviced, I'd much prefer they stay running as opposed to turning on and off every 10 minutes.


Active Member
is the ac hooked up to your central heating? if you have an efficient furnace then leaving it on would be the most efficient- air kicks on when temp goes up and fan stays on to churn the air and keep it cool longer between cycles.


Well-Known Member
I just put my 3 energy killers set at 74 f I like them cold, they thank me later with those crystals, every one is happy except my 2500 dollar electric bill lol,


Well-Known Member
auto will make it not shut off, just slow down the blower and compressor when it hits temp, which is good if you really want to keep things constant. If it were me i'd keep it @ 76 constant auto


New Member
I run mine on 72 auto. The unit I purchased has the ability to heat also and run cold as -20 outside, so putting it on auto just makes sense. I think it comes down to what works best for your room


auto/ energy saver mode.... my ac does not need to run except for maybe 10 min an hr or less... except it runs 12 hrs straight when lights are on but the auto mode shuts unit down when not needed.... and will also just shut down the compressor and act as a fan ..

window units are cheap... in the big scheme of things... i mean 300-600 dollars... vs thousands if you know what your doing.


What? I know this is a stoner site but really... Yes, if you put your AC on energy saver mode ie. AUTO, it will save you energy ie money. The only way it wouldn't is if your using an incorrectly sized AC for your room/application or your sitting watching it 24/7 so you can turn it off/on at the perfect times yourself. AC units are designed with the Auto button, it 'may' put 'slightly' more wear and tear on the fan motor, but it will not unduly wear-out one, or any of the other AC components...
The only reasons to leave it "On" would be if didn't have a regular fan circulating air in your grow room like your suppose to or you don't mind wasting money...

"Auto" will shut off the fan (about 90% of the time), unless you have one of the new and expensive systems which can vary the fan speed to maintain temp.