AC Infinity 67 Inline Fan Contoller

Tomas 69

Thinking about getting one. Running humidifier and heater in 2x4x5. My averge temp is 75 and rH is 73. I am looking at the controller to smooth out the ups and downs of humidity. Temp is good, ranges from 72-78, light on and off. Humidity (VPD) is my main concern. that can range from anywhere from 65-82.
It seems to me that the controller adjusting fan speed up and down for rH and Temp parameters, would fight for the right settings? Right now I usully run fan at 2-3, EC motor S4 , 8 speeds. Would fan speed controller adjustment parameters mess up my temps? Would temp and rH parameters battle each other???

What are your parameters and experiences with controller?


Well-Known Member
You could indeed have fighting appliances and controllers. Pick the unit that controls that parameter best and then don't use the other 'competing' device to trigger to it. I love the 67 along with my T6 and S6...but I'm not in need of a heater. I use an Inkbird for my humidifier, then I set my 67's trigger range for humidity slightly outside of the setting of the Inkbird that way if the humidifier goes off the track, there's the fan setup as a safeguard.

I dehumidify outside of the tent, then use my fans to draw in dry and push out wet air.