Absorb your profits


Active Member
I feel that there are three main ways to get caught - tell someone about your operation so they burn you, have crazy high power bills, and have unsupported or undocumentable income.

The first two are fixable, but the third requires creativity. I know this was posted before, with mixed results. but I am putting it out there again. Any thoughts on how to hide or account for cash-only income? I have some ideas but wanted to see what others were thinking.
Just practice good habits like living within your legitimate means and not ballin out on luxury items. Take a nice vacation every year and save the rest as cash in a safe or lockbox in your home or when/if it gets too big in a safety deposit box at the bank.

keep things small and you'll be way more inconspicuous
Recently I have seriously thought of Prepaid Visas, you dont have to show id to buy them, you can get them in 1000 dollar incriments, you can use them anywhere. Seems like the answer.
Interesting as I've given this much thought myself. What are some opinions on a safe, low key amount you can deal with in cash each month easily?

I'm thinking 5K would be about the tops, but would love to hear other thoughts.

My thoughts are paying things like gas, utilities, groceries, entertainment could eat up 5K rather inconspicuously.

Buying a used 4-6K car each year or two would help the blending in also.

Also purchasing as much as you can from a Craigslist type place for tools, and other general crap.

Oldgray was on the right path of what I do... I generally buy a car and sell it a few months later... money laundering aint free... but I really do take closely what was mentioned first... living to nessesity! Treat yourself to vacation, do some house/yard work, pay for gas, upgrade your automobile (they never ask!), or deposit box at bank!

It's always nice to have liquid assets! God Forbid and assuming the WORST, those liquid funds laying around will also serve as an investment on a lawyer incase you get in a jam! It's all green to them!

It's mainly be smart! Anaylize everything that could be questioned and could go wrong... I ALWAYS through out budgeting, moves, etc... ASSUME AND PREPARE FOR THE WORST, AND HOPE FOR THE BEST! That way, your ready for the law of what can go wrong, WILL go wrong!

But honestly, if you keep low, only one or two TRUSTED movers for yourself, your really managing an underground biznass! You work hard for product and quality so treat yourself to dinners, vacation, etc... Just not too crazy!

Another thing that I do slowly is I've started my own business with a legitimate license, tax ID number etc... It can be a car washing service, mobile services, at home business... be smart and creative... majority of my clients are false and out of country according to my books and invoices. So I let the business build net profits and keep it in the business acct and pay myself a salary, pay all my taxes, fees, and so on... I won't tell ya exactly how it's done... but think outside the box... think Al Capone... The street gang Satan Disciples who are all about Free Enterprise... Think Mafia... If you creative enough, you can hide it!!!
Recently I have seriously thought of Prepaid Visas, you dont have to show id to buy them, you can get them in 1000 dollar incriments, you can use them anywhere. Seems like the answer.

Yeah but you have to give your social out to get the cards activated, so try again, well you can load it up then use it and load it up again, but say your being watched they have a paper trail to how much you've made then they start taking your shit, so buy an education because they can't take that away.
buy collectibles/antiques/limited editions or anything else that's guaranteed to appreciate in value and flip 'em a year or two later. yeah, you'd have to declare that income, but at least it's legitimate and the appreciation factor helps make up for it.
Get a job with a tipped income, and be the luckiest person in the company when it comes to tips ;) (but don't overdo it). That way, having hundreds of dollars in cash is a normal thing, and depositing hundreds in cash is a regular routine.
See if you can prepay a bailbonds office... because you can never predict when you might need to get out.
before going big you should contact a layer and talk with him, so this way you already got someone on your side if anything should ever go wrong.
what my boy does is that he owns a couple cd places and buys a car, fixes it up and sells it, he's basically a car flipper and it hides seemingly explains he's "extracurricular income" rather well, he's been doing it 4 2 yrs and noone has said anything
Yeah but you have to give your social out to get the cards activated, so try again, well you can load it up then use it and load it up again, but say your being watched they have a paper trail to how much you've made then they start taking your shit, so buy an education because they can't take that away.

Is this true? You have to give out your social security number to get a prepaid visa? anybody know anything about this?
man u guys make things way to complicated. just buy everything in cash. live with somone that has a legit job and have them pay all the bills out of their bank account. as long as the gov. sees the bills being payed legitly things will be fine they wont question extra accessories.
You guys sure do make things way too complicated. What's w/ all these crazy ass numbers of spend x amount and here y amount there. Instead if you got the cash, open a small retail outlet. Rent can be in the right places 500 mo or less. Along w/that you can get a space at the flea market. A lot of people like to bitch because they say you can't get rich by selling flea market junk. Maybe not, but that's not the point. The point is that flea markets are known for being all cash. Primary word is cash. If ever questioned why you have so much cash at least you can explain it mostly truthfully. Of course amounts of 8,000 or over maybe pushing it w/this story line though.

You see if you are making a lot of money in another way, does it matter if you actually sell next to nothing? No. Take your cash and add it to the day's total receipts. Do the same at your retail outlet. As well as taking debit cards so that way if you have actual sales, you look like a normal business.

Now, if I were to do that, I would recommend that you actually show up and be at your legal enterprises enough that you establish a good front.

Legitimize your earnings by paying tax on it. Think of it this way. If you claim 50,000 at the end of the year, you can spend easily 150-200k every year. Remember this is the age of credit, no matter what shape the markets are in, people still have credit. As well as businesses. Instead of buying used cars for 4-6k you could actually get yourself something better.

Besides what's the point of getting a lot of money if your not going to spend enough of it to live comfortable. One way to keep your nice shit is not to grow in the county you live in.
man u guys make things way to complicated. just buy everything in cash. live with somone that has a legit job and have them pay all the bills out of their bank account. as long as the gov. sees the bills being payed legitly things will be fine they wont question extra accessories.

picture this scene:

a guy walks up to a car dealership and sees a car, he says he wants this, they salesman brings him the paperwork, but the guy just drops a dufflebag full of cash now wut do u think this guy is gonna think? and if he's not sleazy, now ur in trouble
picture this scene:

a guy walks up to a car dealership and sees a car, he says he wants this, they salesman brings him the paperwork, but the guy just drops a dufflebag full of cash now wut do u think this guy is gonna think? and if he's not sleazy, now ur in trouble

lol i actually know a guy who bought a brand new RT charger with cash. he came in said let me speak to the manager, pointed out the car, gave him cash, 30 mins later he was off scott free lol.. never had any trouble
There are lots of businesses that are naturally a "cash & carry" type of outfit. Those would lend themselves very well, I think. Got land? Call yourself a farmer. It's how we wrote off many thousands of dollars of expenses (much of paid in cash) when we bred horses, and the government allows a loss for a period of years (this may have changed) before you have to post a profit for tax purposes. It's the tax man you want to avoid at all costs. Make him feel paid and as though you're hiding nothing, and you should be golden. Get him sniffing at your heels, and you'll find the IRS is a far worse dancing partner than DEA.
Is this true? You have to give out your social security number to get a prepaid visa? anybody know anything about this?
I've never had to. That being said, I've found that they can be a real pain in the ass to actually use, some are restricted, for instance, can't buy gas (I don't remember, I used to get them for my kids) or some such.
The answer is start a business so you can wash your money, idealy a landscaping endeavour would be ideal. This allows you to order any number of items for the growing of plants without question of motives. Also it can lead to another business of opening a nursery so that you have a good piece of land for growing flowers and what not. So you have a legitimate reason for having a number of large greenhouses. Now you have a nursery and are getting all the supplies for your landscaping business at lower costs so now you make more money with that. Have a greenhouse or 2 at the back end of the property for your cannabis. Now that you have a nursery and your raking in the cash from 2 business's theres not gonna be any question about your income or how you got it. So no i get to my point, dont sell weed for profit after you dont need to anymore. Sell enough to get something legit started and then grow for personal and maybe your friends and family. If you think your gonna be a pot dealer in a state thats its not legal then you are going to get caught eventually. Maybe you get away with it for 10 years and youve got tons of cash that you cant even really use because of fear of showing off money that you cant account for. Sell your pot and start a small business and let it slowly evolve into highly lucrativce business
def. agree with getting ur taxes paid that is so important but if u're listing urself as unemployed and u're walkin around with a gucci scarf, expect questions 2 b asked
Yes, I have tried the prepaid visa method and after you deposit the money onto the card you have to activate it before use. Activation consists of name, social, address, phone number, and other personal information.

I personally believe that you have to identify what type of goals you have. Generally, I believe there are 3 general types of profit growers.

1) Personal growers: They grow for themselves and friends, might make a small profit from their friends.

2) Professional growers: They grow to turn a profit and this is their main vehicle for profit creation in order to sustain their life and lifestyle.

3) Hybrid growers: People who work regular 9-5's and use their growing income to supplement their regular income.

Dealing with money for groups one and three are virtually alike. What to do is spend your profit from growth on all of your living expenses and save as much of your legit money as possible. Use your legit money for any serious purchases.

For the professionals, I will make a post about that tomorrow because it is x-box huge.