Well-Known Member
Q1: I have white tips on 2 leaves. Plant is 5 weeks old. Last week I gave it a half dose of GeoFlora. I’ve done searches on white tips and answers are all over the place. Some say it’s bad and others say nothing to worry about. So, I’ll ask here: what are the white tips a result of? Nutrient burn? If so, do I hold off on giving them anymore GeoFlora next week? What do I need to do (if anything)?
Q2: Looks like it should be warm enough at night to leave them outside – read / heard that as long as above 55F, they should be ok. Accurate?
Q3: Still trying to figure out the possibility of setting up a grow tent. One MAJOR concern is the potential smell. How well do the carbon filters get rid of the smell? Worried that my books will absorb the odor. Has anyone had this kind of issue? If so, how did you solve the problem?
Q2: Looks like it should be warm enough at night to leave them outside – read / heard that as long as above 55F, they should be ok. Accurate?
Q3: Still trying to figure out the possibility of setting up a grow tent. One MAJOR concern is the potential smell. How well do the carbon filters get rid of the smell? Worried that my books will absorb the odor. Has anyone had this kind of issue? If so, how did you solve the problem?