Absolute beginner here


Hi all. Never attempted to grow my own. Been smoking it for 30 years but I've never tried to grow a T-Bone steak either. Is there a start to finish tutorial in here somewhere to show me how to go from germinating a few seeds to dwarfing them indoors with a halogen light and kids running around.
Probably Indica
Ontario, Canada
Almost no privacy
Not sure what the wife will think
Plenty of garden supplies in the shed
Jonesin' for a bowl


Dolce Vita

Active Member
hey dude theres like 100's of grows on here from start to finish, if i were you id just take a week or 2 and just read threads here...


Well-Known Member
welcome to the forums =)

if you're looking to grow a dwarf plant your best bet is to start with an autoflowering strain, they require alot less maintanence than other plants because they flower on their own, independent of light cycle/climate change. Many people have success with stealth grows in small boxes, cabinets, even pc cases.

I for one, would rather use large pots and a large grow area, more room for the plants to grow = more buds


FAQ GUIDE LINK __> https://www.rollitup.org/view.php?pg=faq

Auto flowering strains are great, fast and small!

this link to a good site or go to a local shop http://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk/auto-flowering-seeds/cat_43.html
Thanks people. There is a quite a bit of beginner info on here that should help. I was talking to a bud last night, no pun intended, and he reminded me that when we were young we tried germinating in a rolled up wet sock and sowing out doors. I don't remember if either ever worked. I think I'll go with the seed straight into soil for the first couple of Indica/Sativa and keep the sun low and just take it slow and easy. Several of my buds have offered me many of the varieties sold on the URL you posted in the UK. Best of all they're free and plentiful since I'm not competition just a weekend warrior. We're all so busy and far apart that sitting down to talk about method isn't practical and the telephone isn't advisable.
Thanks again

Illegal Smile

Start by asking yourself if you have a place that will give you security, temp control, humidity control, ventilation, electrical for sufficient lights and odor control. You might have to read up on each of those to get the picture. By then your education will be well underway!