Abraham Lincoln was a racist killer

Are actual neo nazis more racist than white supremacists,or do the white supremacists need to be actual too ?

neo-nazis tend to add on holocaust denial to their white supremacy beliefs.

good job on leaping to the defense of someone who palled around with neo-nazis though.

your klan chapter will be proud of you when you tell them about this.
Not defending anyone you imbecile, see how you jump to negative assumptions this is because you are clinically depressed
i am asking you to clarify

now clarify this

where do racist fucks fit into the situation are these racist fucks, actual racist fucks ?
are they more severe than actual neo nazis but not as severe as white supremacists
but around the same par as actual white supremacists

perhaps you should make a bar graph or pie chart it might help you get your message across more concisely ?

do you not know what an adjective is, or how they are used to add emphasis?

anyhoo, unless you have some actual cool stories to share, i'm not really too interested in watching you defend your racist buddies from mean ol' buck.
but are these actual buddies ?
nothing is ever clear with you, you're not very good at expressing yourself

Something tells me that unclebuck is suffering from actual butthurt
and i really wouldn't wish that on anyone

uncleactualbutthurt i send you my condolences

it's not that i am unable to express myself clearly, it is that you don't know what adjectives are.

this should help you: http://linguapress.com/grammar/adverbs.htm

clearly the vagisil and kleenex didn't though.
i beg to differ, if you were getting your message across clearly, surely more people would agree with you
unless it was your objective to be seen as a blithering imbecile ?

apparently you reading compensation has failed you?

because i haven't had any other complaints about my writing style. kinda makes ya wonder who the blithering imbecile is then, right?
cute additions to your former sig. why'd you take it down?


harrekin hasn't had me on ignore for over a year, you're just an idiot who will believe anything your racist buddies say.
you devote an inordinate amount of time to conspiracy theories about me.

but i just want to hear your 100% true stories.
you devote an inordinate amount of time to conspiracy theories about me.

but i just want to hear your 100% true stories.

Still waiting for the pie chart and graph on racist fucks actual white supremacist and actual neo nazis
and still waiting for you to explain this homophobic bigotry ?

you just babble complete shit, then move on to more complete shit
like some retard with adhd and a 5 second memory

i really want to see those pie charts though
this one time, i was talking to a less refined homophobic bigot.

i said "i do not wish to have sex with you at all"

and he was like "you faggot!"

then i said "wanna have ass sex?"

and he said "OK"

i guess those who have homophobic attitudes like you are just secretly or latently gay.

science says so.

100% true story.
How many seconds will elapse before you see rolli sign in and you start crying about my signature again
in private message LOL

What does that anticipation to squeal feel like ?
bet its quite exciting

just trying to get inside the mindset of the squealer