Above the influence


Active Member
Alright, so last night i decided to send an email to Above the influence.com.
below is the response, along with the letter that i sent. Is it just me, or did the response not include any answer to my last question? And the response also states that "More teens are in treatment for marijuana dependence than for all other illicit drugs". The fact that was not acknowledged is that only three percent of those in treatment for marijuana dependence are there voluntarily. Most are forced to by a judge or by strict parents. And by the way what does that fact that marijuana is more potent today than it was before? Seems like a positive thing to me because you don't have to inhale as much smoke in order to reach a desired effect. What do you think? Any responses?

Thank you for e-mailing abovetheinfluence.com.
While the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign and this Web site cover all drugs, there is a particular emphasis on teen marijuana usage because the statistics associated with it are troubling.
More teens are in treatment for marijuana dependence than for all other illicit drugs combined. Teens are beginning to smoke marijuana at a younger age and weed is twice as potent as it was a decade ago. The drug has changed so the information and awareness around marijuana must keep up.

Thank you for contacting ATI.

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 6:14 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: ATI - Contact Us Questions

Contact Us Questions Screen Name: ******* Email Address: *********@********* Type of question: general questions/comments Message:
Hi Above The Influence, I have some questions about your site and general message. I see that on your website marijuana is the drug that is predominantly targeted in your campaigns. Why is that? How do you justify that? It seems to me that marijuana is the least harmful of all of the drugs that are out there. Additionally i feel that you should support the statements that are stated in your messages by referring to specific studies and research. I feel that it is childish to place statements such as "...there aren't many jobs out there for potheads" out there. What kind of message are we getting across? That society should exclude those who smoke marijuana? I would understand it if a harder drug was used in such an ad campaign that actually does have a significant impact upon a person's ability to function in society, but pot is one that is unjustified, unless specifically talking about when being under the influence of the drug. Surely you must realize that there are many people whom smoke marijuana and still contribute to the community in a positive manner. To end I have one last question. What is the basis for the prohibition of marijuana? Was it criminalized based upon scientific evidence or factors such as stereotypes, racism, corporate interests, fear, etc...? A response would be greatly appreciated! feel free to correct any statements that you feel are false. Sincerely, ********


Well-Known Member
that was a pre-written response..those agencies are bs...there is so much money in the "war on drugs" they're just making a profit..


Well-Known Member
Do you know who funds 90% of programs such as partnership for a drug free america? The alcohol & tobacco industries. It so obvious what's going on, but may I remind you that America has given up many civil liberties & rights because they're SCARED TO DEATH OF EVERTHING.


Well-Known Member
of course we are scared! have you watched cnn lately? i cant take a shit without a terrorist trying to kill me!

i would write them and be like umm excuse me can you give me the statistics showing exactly how many people died last year in marijuana related deaths when compared to cocaine, heroin, meth, extasy, and alcohol last year so that i can clearly see the perdenent danger that lies in the drug?

lets see a magical cookie cutter response for that shit LOL


New Member
those adds are about marijuana? *smacks forehead* I thought they were about not embezzling, or selling senate seats, you know, just be honest. :wink:


Well-Known Member
They believe if they say it enough, it makes it true.

It'd be one thing if it had some ring of truth in their propaganda, but theres none, its just an insult to intelligence to proclaim such ludicrous claims and statistics.

They didn't learn anything from Reefer Madness, thats our elected officials for ya


Well-Known Member
weed is bad
weed is bad
weed is bad
weed is bad
weed is bad
weed is bad
weed is bad
weed is bad....

well, still didnt work for me... i wonder what they be smokin



New Member
Weeds are bad, I hate when I get thistles in my garden......... :bigjoint:

Oh you meant marijuana, I've gotten some bad pot, but for the most part it's all good to me..........


Well-Known Member
sorry miss, you are wrong.. it is not marijuana... according to recent studies scientists have found that cannabis seeds are actually the sweat of the devil, which he poured all over this earth to contaminate the human race with evil and violence. it is known as the devils weed because all who come in contact with it turn into psychotic violent criminals. it was used in ancient times by shamans and witches to put spells on people so that they could do their bidding! this is why our society is so messed up!! THE DEVILS WEED!! this is why we must have the war on drugs! to save our children!!

for all of you who are just way to stoned, that is a joke



New Member
Oh damn it anyway, I don't believe in god so I don't believe in the devil either.

I ain't skirred of marijuana, I've never had a marijuana plant attack me or do me harm, now politicians on the other hand should be illegal........


Well-Known Member
You know I fount out the other day I was wrong...I love that! I thought marijuana was just mexican slang for cannabis derived from marihuana, but in reality it's a completly different plant that grows in Mexico.