? about where to get HPS fixtures

newbie grow420

Active Member
I am new at growing and didnt know where to get HPS or MH at thought u had to get from internet. Told ya I was new at this anywho I was in lowes looking for clamp lamp for my 42w cfl and I walked down this aisle and there they were HPS and MH bulbs ranging from 70 and 150 to your classic 400w I was like fuck yeah screw the just cfl I will buy this but guess what NO fucking fixtures to put the bulbs in total shock. So what im wondering is where can I get the ballasts or fixtures locally. I live where most commercial stores are at home depot lowes ace hardware. I would rather do most my setup off the paper trail as possible. any help for a newb would love to flower under HPS and watch the plants take off.


bud bootlegger
do a google search for hydro shops in your area... say you live in maine for example.. type into google...... hydroponic stores in maine.... and see what pops up.. you will be suprised and what you may find. and say you live in a big ass state like maine, you could try breaking your search down into smaller areas like west bumblefuck county maine hydro stores... i did this and found quite a few good ones in my area..
you can always pay in cash or get one of these prepaid credit cards from wally world, and use that instead of cash.. you can also use one of these at say htgsupply... they have some excellent prices on some of their gear.. check them out.


Well-Known Member
They sell them in the light section At menards $ home depot up to 150w I know It's the wall with all the Display lights I tin the 150's were about 70$ Look around there In there either as Street light looking ones to wallpacks 70w'ers


Well-Known Member
I <3 my hydro store but their light are pricey >.< They don't sell 70's 150's or 250's


if you want one for free, most street lights, and most parking garages use HPS lights..only problem is being tall enough to get one :P i've been trying to figure that one out for months