About transplanting-nervous noob here


Active Member
So, I've been here a couple of days reading FAQ's and watching videos. I have made my shopping trips and have a set-up very similar to the one constructed in Mr Green's I Grow Chronic video, with just the vegetative room complete as I won't be using the flowering room for at least a month. I'm lucky enough to rent a place with a dirt basement and a landlord that never comes inside(and I've been here for 5 years). I have a plant that I was given that has grown to 9" tall under my care, and a sprout of my own doing. Unfortunately I do not have much information as to the strain that I have, but the plant looks strong and healthy, and I was excited to see the sprout this morning. My plant, which I'd like to become the mother if she is indeed a lady, has been growing in Miracle-Gro though I have finished my hydro system and want to transfer this plant over to it if I could. I believe I have everything I need, and I know how it works in theory. However, since this is my first time I am just nervous about killing the plant.
Can someone give me the old-fashioned idiot check or just tell me to grow some balls and pull the plant. I know I need to be extra careful not to hurt the root system, but since I simply have the plant in a pot covered in soil I simply don't know what to expect the root system looks like.
Any comments are greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
I don't know this video you're talking about. Is the plant rooted in the soil, or what? If so, I can tell you how I transplant, which is how I handle all plants as they're all growing on pretty much this same earth and using pretty much the same general ingredients (just add water). You've got the idea about keeping the roots intact, but depending on how extensive the root ball is, and other factors, will determine how much loss it can withstand.

I have never killed a plant of any kind due to transplanting. I kill them for other reasons. :lol: bongsmilie


Active Member
Thanks for the response, Seamaiden.

I should have been more specific about the video. In the newbie section there is a free video forum stickied and the first video is this one - POT-TV: Mr. Green: I Grow Chronic , which is the one that closest matched my room's dimensions so I used his set-up with only minor adjustments for room shape. My set-up is 2 4'x5' rooms side by side, separated by a frame that I built(I'm a musician not a carpenter so that was a fun project) basically set-up with tarps and chains from the ceilings for my 4' lights in the vegetative room and the light in the flowering room(which I haven't gotten yet, since I don't need it for a few weeks and I'll keep reading and learning more). I have a drip irrigation system set-up using a perlite and garden cubes for a no soil system, this is what I want to transplant my plant to. It is currently in a 6"pot full of soil. I hope that helps you help me. I definately trust advice from a Ron Paul fan!!!

Have a great day


Well-Known Member
I only use soil, and haven't done any transplanting from one medium to the other. I think you can free the roots by working the soil free and rinsing, but the problem you're left with, as I see it, is how to place the root ball back in such as way as to not cause harm. How dedicated are you to going soilless? I'm thinking just transplant to the perlite, let the soil wash out or leave it where it is (assuming the roots are well incorporated).


Well-Known Member
I only use soil, and haven't done any transplanting from one medium to the other. I think you can free the roots by working the soil free and rinsing, but the problem you're left with, as I see it, is how to place the root ball back in such as way as to not cause harm. How dedicated are you to going soilless? I'm thinking just transplant to the perlite, let the soil wash out or leave it where it is (assuming the roots are well incorporated).
Is growing in perlite, and soiless mixes consider Hydroponic growing?


Well-Known Member
That's a good question, but one I can't answer. I... I guess it's "soilless" growing. I should have qualified my statement better, too. I've taken plants growing in perlite (or mostly perlite) and transplanted them to soil. Never the other way around.


Active Member
Is growing in perlite, and soiless mixes consider Hydroponic growing?

As far as I know, though I'm an admitted newbie, is yes. I have set up a drip irrigation system and I'm thinking that transplanting the roots still in some soil should work and the soil will wash off after a few waterings. I have yet to do the actual transplant as I just completed all tests on my drip system minutes ago, but everything in my hydroponic system is set-up and functioning properly. Until I feel confident transplanting, I will keep plants in soil under lights and just keep the hydro system off until I make the switch to soiless. Anyone have experience going from soil to soiless? My plant is only 9"tall so she(hopefully a she)is young enough that I think it should be okay.