about to give up on my PPP

You guys have probably already read about my problem a few times now. Today marks 3 weeks done from sprouting from my nirvana PPP plants, they are showing such slow signs of growth that i'm about ready to just toss them. Humidity, temp, and PH are all perfect. First 2 weeks were just water, but still in seedling I figured I would throw a little nutrients their way to see if that would kick start them (1/8th strength BMO), after that they have grown [ ] (Actual size). My bag seeds are doing just lovely, considering I show them no love but am about to start since they are all I've got, I started 2 more PPP 5 days ago. They germed in 1 day then sprouted yesterday, I put them into regular MG soil instead of organic, which is what i've used in all of my previous grows to see if it's the soil problem or my seeds. I know I put them into too large of buckets to start with, 3 gallons, but I have never seen them take a month to move past seedings. I just switched them to 12/12 with the HPS instead of MH as my last attempt. =)

Any suggestions before I toss them? I'd rather not waste anymore time or electricity or wear and tear on my 1000w HPS/MH light, and hell my cfls too for that matter.

1.jpg2.jpg There is a picture of my biggest PPP, but the other 4 are right behind her ^_-


New Member
Some strains get lost easily, even in the same batch of seeds you will find different pheno's, stunting is just one. I would transplant them , depending on roots of course, put them under a couple of cfl's and just see if they will turn on or not. Whatever you do, Don't take clones from them if they do finish....JAS
Some strains get lost easily, even in the same batch of seeds you will find different pheno's, stunting is just one. I would transplant them , depending on roots of course, put them under a couple of cfl's and just see if they will turn on or not. Whatever you do, Don't take clones from them if they do finish....JAS
Think I should transplant them to smaller buckets?


Well-Known Member
Think I should transplant them to smaller buckets?
Uh no, generally transplanting is going into larger pots.

I'm a little confused. So the larger 2 plants in pic #2 are 3 weeks old? If so they look great, not sure how you would think they were growing slow.

Royal Blue

Active Member
Johnny did you even look at pics?
Do not transplant what would be the purpose of that
when there not root-bound?
Second you do not have enough light to
grow 5 plants Maybe enough for one.
Third you have the wrong spectrum of light for veg.(switch back)
An fourth if your seedling are not growing after 2 weeks
toss them even with 46 watts of light they should be bigger
Fifth it looks like the 2 bigger ones have been given way to
much nitrogen.

Now looking a your seedlings I can tell you have
some sort of problem with your soil.
If your using mg soil it is most likely filled
with nutes so there would and should
be no reason to feed at such a early stage.
the perpose of feeding isnt to make it grow faster
than normal its to keep it healthy.
Now when you say your ph is correct
are you testing the medium or the water
your giving to it?
I think you might have nute lock from shitty soil
or ph issues.
So I guess the best advice I could give you is use
better soil. good luck and hope that helps.:cool:

I also am a little confused on the age of them all
I just assumed they were all pretty much the same.
Uh no, generally transplanting is going into larger pots.

I'm a little confused. So the larger 2 plants in pic #2 are 3 weeks old? If so they look great, not sure how you would think they were growing slow.
The big ones are bag seeds, the small ones are PPP, yes they are all the same age, I didn't get all of them into the picture sorry =)
Johnny did you even look at pics?
Do not transplant what would be the purpose of that
when there not root-bound?
Second you do not have enough light to
grow 5 plants Maybe enough for one.
Third you have the wrong spectrum of light for veg.(switch back)
An fourth if your seedling are not growing after 2 weeks
toss them even with 46 watts of light they should be bigger
Fifth it looks like the 2 bigger ones have been given way to
much nitrogen.

Now looking a your seedlings I can tell you have
some sort of problem with your soil.
If your using mg soil it is most likely filled
with nutes so there would and should
be no reason to feed at such a early stage.
the perpose of feeding isnt to make it grow faster
than normal its to keep it healthy.
Now when you say your ph is correct
are you testing the medium or the water
your giving to it?
I think you might have nute lock from shitty soil
or ph issues.
So I guess the best advice I could give you is use
better soil. good luck and hope that helps.:cool:

I also am a little confused on the age of them all
I just assumed they were all pretty much the same.
I put a lot of detail into my description there. I am growing 9 plants under a 1000w HID light with a few CFL side lights, 1000w HID light is currently dimmed down to 75%. I also stated that I just switched to HPS from MH as an attempt to get them to grow, they've been under a MH light for 3 weeks now. And the bigger plants have had an 1/8th strength dose of BMO organics and nothing but water in Organic MG soil (I see no problems with the my bag seeds). PH of water going in is perfect and the PH of soil is perfect.

MG soil has done me great for 3 grows now, can't say anything bad about it and i'm not driving an hour one way to pay more for a little bit better soil.
It was a little confusing how I worded it, I have 3 bag seeds going and 6 PPP's going, the big ones are bag seeds and then I have 6 PPP seedlings, they are all now 3 weeks old from sprout.


New Member
Johnny did you even look at pics?
Do not transplant what would be the purpose of that
when there not root-bound?
Yes I did read the whole thing. So your advice is to throw them out? How do you learn anything if you don't make an effort? A little research goes a long way. Did you read my reasoning. If they are lost in that big pot(which obviously they are), they may never recover so putting them into a smaller container may activate hormones and start producing growth hormones. Stress works both ways sometimes. This has nothing to do with your soil or nutrients(well possible, you said your fed them already). It come down to genetics or stunted from the feeding. In either event putting them into the correct size pot won't harm anything and may allow the little ones a chance. You want low lighting at this time also, low lighting can cause stretch which also part of the hormonal gene for growth. You are trying to kick start these little ladies, your ready to throw them out anyways so why not try something and possibly save them and learn something in return....JAS


Well-Known Member
It was a little confusing how I worded it, I have 3 bag seeds going and 6 PPP's going, the big ones are bag seeds and then I have 6 PPP seedlings, they are all now 3 weeks old from sprout.
I finally understand. Anyway the big ones look great for 3 weeks, mine never get that big.

Try moving the runts under your CFLs only, they really don't need that much light now, and may be getting too much.
Yes I did read the whole thing. So your advice is to throw them out? How do you learn anything if you don't make an effort? A little research goes a long way. Did you read my reasoning. If they are lost in that big pot(which obviously they are), they may never recover so putting them into a smaller container may activate hormones and start producing growth hormones. Stress works both ways sometimes. This has nothing to do with your soil or nutrients(well possible, you said your fed them already). It come down to genetics or stunted from the feeding. In either event putting them into the correct size pot won't harm anything and may allow the little ones a chance. You want low lighting at this time also, low lighting can cause stretch which also part of the hormonal gene for growth. You are trying to kick start these little ladies, your ready to throw them out anyways so why not try something and possibly save them and learn something in return....JAS
I'm open to anything, I pulled 2 of them out of the closet and put 2 23w CFl's on each to try and cause some stretching, i'll give them a few days and then i'll go for the solo cup backwards transplant =D
It's just odd because they ARE growing, I can see small... SMALL changes every few days. 1/8th strength BMO i don't believe would even tickle their nuts. it's hard to toss them but I'm about to, 75 bucks down the drain to nirvana for nothing.
I finally understand. Anyway the big ones look great for 3 weeks, mine never get that big.

Try moving the runts under your CFLs only, they really don't need that much light now, and may be getting too much.
I just threw 2 of them out of the closet and put 2 bulbs on each, hopefully that does the trick aye? =)


Well-Known Member
I had a similar situation. Started seeds in ground and in 5+gal pots. After they sprouted they grew very little for about 2+wks, I almost pulled them a couple of times. Then around wk 3+ they started taking off and grew like weeds. Very explosive growth. This was one particular strain, other strains had been growing fine since sprouting. The slow starters were my only Sat. Dom Hybrids, I have no idea if that had anything to do with it or not. They ended up flowering for 9+wks and had some of the largest colas in my garden. I believe it took awhile for the roots to fill out, then the foliage started. Also I believe the different strains have something to do with it. But as said before have patience and use this as a learning experience. I'm glad I didn't pull any plants, it was a fun experience to watch them grow. GL.

Royal Blue

Active Member
I reread your post and ya I missed a couple of things I always
come on here when I'm stoned lol.

Sorry johnny Your post is absolutely correct.
I thought I looked through his post good but I guess not I missed
Where he stated he was actually using the hps at the moment
and where he said he started off in 3 gal pots
so I was assuming he started in something smaller waited
for roots to fill then transplanted.

So yes it would be smart to transfer them into a smaller pot
And only use the cfls for now.

I still think your 2 bigger ones have too much n
to my eyes the leaves look rubbery, clawing a little,
and dark green even under hps.
But you can tell better since your there with them if that
is the case or not..

As for soil goes I have never lived anywhere near where the
only soil I had to pick from was mg(never lived in the boons). So
to me telling someone they might want to change soil isn't
some big errand.
If your soil is doing the job then theres no need to change.
Sorry for the confusion.:-(


Well-Known Member
I just threw 2 of them out of the closet and put 2 bulbs on each, hopefully that does the trick aye? =)
I don't think it can hurt. I'm guessing, like others that it might be related to pot size. You have what looks to be 3X the soil volume as in the healthier plants. It's hard to properly water.

When and if you can see that the roots are to the bottom of the pot by looking in the drain holes you might consider watering them from below. Let them dry out well and set the pots in about 3" of whatever you are watering with, like in a bucket or tray. Let them sit about 3 minutes and you should see that they are taking up water. Take them out of the water and give them maybe 3-4 oz real slow right at the base of the stem. Capillary action should give you perfect moisture in the bottom half of the pot. The couple oz on top gets a bit of water to the roots right below the plant.

Watering from above you have to soak the whole soil mass to get it down to the bottom of the pot. Overall you are watering with minimal water, yet providing perfect conditions in the bottom half of the pot where your roots now are, and where you want to encourage them to grow.


Well-Known Member
didnt read all the thread cause im in a rush but i BET your problem is the pots are too large and plants wont grow much if their roots arent touching the inside of the pot walls, just give em a few more weeks and i bet you will see growth