About to get 4 wisdom teeth and one other tooth out. Kinda scared.

I'm sure you'd be fine on weed. Why would you care about any other drugs? What else do you want to be on for your surgery besides anesthesia, or what have you been prescribed?
I'm sure you'd be fine on weed. Why would you care about any other drugs? What else do you want to be on for your surgery besides anesthesia, or what have you been prescribed?

As i said earlier im an IV herion user. I wont be high when i go but its still in my system.

Aside from that im just curious.
I did do some research an haven't turned up much. I asked here because maybe someone had first hand knowledge.

I will tell him i have opioids in my system. (Painkillers for the tooth ;) )
Go to the drug store and get some pure clove oil. Dab it on the tooth with a q-tip or soak a lil cotton ball in it and jam onto tooth. If you can handle the intense clove taste, etc the tooth will start feeling better. But this is just a temp pain fix, get thee to the dentist
In all honesty the H helps, but i can't be high round the clock... Not enough money :p

Seriously though... I can't wait to have it out