about ma zelf



Im a 21 year old dude from the netherlands. Zo my english probally has a lot of vaults :wall:

Im groing mariunau for over 5 years nouw. Im a oudside grower. I live at a farm. I like to try strains i dont know. Im looking for the ideal out side plant for the klimate in the netherlands.

Im also actife on a duth weed forum. called wietforum. I made an acount on this forum to discover new strains the dont know over there.

thats all folks :-o


Well-Known Member

Im a 21 year old dude from the netherlands. Zo my english probally has a lot of vaults :wall:

Im groing mariunau for over 5 years nouw. Im a oudside grower. I live at a farm. I like to try strains i dont know. Im looking for the ideal out side plant for the klimate in the netherlands.

Im also actife on a duth weed forum. called wietforum. I made an acount on this forum to discover new strains the dont know over there.

thats all folks :-o
I grew the Widow Warrior here and I'm set up for indica mostly but that Widow Warrior tried to flower from seed under 14 hour days so veg inside then set out with Widow Warrior.
That's a local kind of strain for you there.

I managed to get one Indica Recessive that doesn't flower on 14 hour days out of a dozen seeds here. The rest went to early death trying to be a seedling and flower at the same time.
Looking into breeding with this one Indica Recessive for a more Amsterdam flavor here is California!

So that's all I know for you there. Widow Warrior seems to be what would work best there if you veg them indoors and set them out.

Been to Amsterdam so I have a small understanding of the conditions. It's a different climate there than here for sure!



Hi ernst,

I never pre gro inside i always put them out side but thanks for the tip. i will google window warriror never heerd of this strain before. You have a lot of sun where you live ?

ps people who want to trade strains can always contackt me.

i have :

royal dane 6 pies
New Dame Blanche 20 pies
bleu berry x white widow 20 pies
Bleu berry haze 3 pies
double fun 10 pies
mexican haze 20 pies
ierdbei f5 a lot this f5 breed is selected on green weed and early flouwering.
danish pasion x ierdbei a lot

thats all folks