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About Dr sulak & Maine Intregrative Healthcare First hand???


Active Member
Dr sulak & Maine Intregrative Healthcare in Hallowell maine

A friend went to this place to schedule an appointment, they came to me with some questions that can only be answered by people that have first hand experience. I know most people on here seem to be guarded and I can understand why, If you dont want to post a reply Im glad to take privet messages.

Frist my friend said it was fine to leave some history cause no one can Identify them from my statements.

They are on ssd for: PTSD, anxity, and mood/personality dissorder. my spelling might be off but I have seen the paperwork.
There is also a documented history of pain that required years of pain meds to be perscribed and years of physic meds along with zanx.

this person has not used any perscribed meds for about 3-4 years they have been treating with our med of choice.

Now my friend just paid 300.00 cash up front at the desk and was told they will get a form of therapy and if they qualify they could leave with their recomanedation. They have around one month to wait for their appointment! What kind of chance do you guys with first hand experience think they have?


Well-Known Member
His only bet is chronic pain. Psych issues don't qualify, not even PTSD. It would make it much easier if he had been receiving medication or physical therapy for pain management over the last 6 months at the least. Good luck


Active Member
Is this First hand experience??? Or are you just quoting the rules and laws. I know that doctors can recomend and that thay have to follow the rules but when a doctor sees a some one I would hope they take in the hole story.

would be a sad day to hear they lost 300.00 and a days travle just to be told that they have to stay illegal or take meds with bad side effects.

Im looking for First hand experience with Dr sulak or Maine Intregrative Healthcare in Hallowell maine any help would be great.


Well-Known Member
Dr Sulak is my doctor and he has certain rules he must play by in order to keep his license. I don't know how far back he will go into your friends documented history, but he certainly prefers recent history for obvious reasons. Psych issues will not qualify your friend. Dr Sulak feels PTSD should warrant a recommendation, but until DHHS adds it to the list, he can't do anything about it. He is trying.


Active Member
I have seen documentation back to 2001 and untill 2006 with many componding injuries but my friend stoped taking pain meds in 2006 after addiction problems and chose to use natural things. Im just worryed to see them loose their money.

knowing the person and their isuses it could be an emotional No; that will crush them aswell


Well-Known Member
I understand your worry, I don't blame you, it's alot of money. All you can do is wait and see. Worst case scenario is maybe Sulak will treat him for 6 months and then provide him a recommendation. It's a pain in the ass but once you have it, you have it.


Active Member
Ill hope for the best, and make sure that they expects the worst, but that they hope for the best as well lol. This way they can't be to let down; but even more happy if they get a yes lol haha


I see Dr. Sulak also, and when I went in armed to the teeth with all my med records, all he looked at is the recomendation from my PC in my records that he thinks I'd benefit from MMJ. Dr. Sulak saw that & said that was all he needed. I spent over $100 to obtain my records. Wish I knew that was all he needed. So if your friend had a statement from His PC, he should be good to go. I'll keep a good thought for him



Active Member
in 08 its listed chronic thoracic spine pain that dates back 5 years with documentation of injurys the papers have cronic pain listed throughout as a diagnosis.


I think he has a good chance myself. I was told at the office they wouldn't even take the payment if they didn't think someone had a chance. I have heard of a couple people being turned away because their condition wasn't listed. Mine isn't either, but I have records back as far as early 90's. Best of luck to your friend. My advice is to take every record he has available. Also, see if his main Dr would write it somewhere in his records that he thinks he's a good candidate. That's all it takes really. A dr has a right to recommend even if the condition isn't listed.


Active Member
"A dr has a right to recommend even if the condition isn't listed."
This is what I thought; but if there are conditions that meet the laws needs, use them even if your treating other things along the way lol

I told my friend expect the worst and hope for the best that way you cant be let down. lol that is what I do and it makes dealing with let downs alot better.


You have the secret...expect the worst & hope for the best. He saw Dr. Sulak in Hallowell? I don't think he's there any more, I just saw him (well his partner Dr. Onik) last week in Falmouth.
For anyone that is interested. Dr. Onik is a Cranial Osteopath & did an adjustment on me last week (consisted of just touching me in key spots on my body very lightly & I felt awesome for 2 days afterward. While he was doing it, he noticed something in my knee & asked when I broke it, and in my arm, knew I was having problems with my Ulnar Nerve. I have been flabbergasted over this, don't know what he felt touching so softly, buthe called it perfectly. In my opinion, that man has magic hands. I'm trying to figure a way to see him again before my next 6 month appt. I just costs too much.


Active Member
He has 2 places now. I think my friend is seeing the NP there in hallowell at Dr. Sulak offices. I know I seen Dr. Sulak there talking to a person when I brought my friend.


Well-Known Member
Dr Sulak will not rec for ptsd or any non-listed ailment.....chronic pain needs to have current medical records on hand to get rec'ed, if not you will need to have a follow up in 6 months after you have visited another doctor and have had some documentation of the ailment......personal exp......


Active Member
Wishing your friend all the best Free ... I am very fortunate that I had (2) doctors that were on board with my recommendation. I would be armed with every piece of paper for documentation that I could get, but as Sick stated, it only takes a good recommendation from his/her primary care doc.

Best of Luck, and please keep us posted Free.
Peace, Love and Happiness
Bob ~ The MaineYankee :-)


Active Member
yeah their last visit to the doctor for pain was in 2010. But there is lots of paperwork refering them to the chiropractor and physical therepest for only partial help that has failed. After reading how hard the doctors can be about this I am thinking of telling my friend to call and ask for refund befor its to late. then they can still get an oz of med grade with the money they save lol or expand their grow with new somthing lol.

On the paper work they have you fill out befor the visit, my friend openly admit to growing and self medicating for years will this hurt their chances??
the only reason that my friend has not done this sooner is the cost and the fact they did not want to regester.

Wating six months sounds as stuped as making marijuana illegal in the first place. Just another way for doctors to take our money lol. Im sure that things change so much in the 6 months of watting lol They must figure if you suffer for 6 months wating that you diserve it lol

I got to feel bad for my friend they were feed pain pills for years by a doctor untill they became addicted and they have been in and out of rehabs, but they could go get a script for vikes or percoset at a hospital to night if they wanted lol. Now they find marijuana helps their pain and would have to wait 6 months so that they break down and use pain meds and overdose or somthing while watting lol yeah

I just dont think getting legal is worth giving away 300 for some one to tell me spend more money and I might recomend it in 6 months. Me I think I would want to make some one choke on their teeth if they stole my 300 and then said come back so I can take more money lol hahaha

Just glad its not me lol