About a month into flowering, what is wrong with my leafs?


Active Member
I am a few weeks into flowering and I am not sure what is wrong with a few of my plants. Some of the leafs are starting to die off or turn weird colors.



Well-Known Member
u could be overwatering or maybe u just need more nutrients..ur lacking nitrogen by the look of that leaf..not real bad but u could probably use a little more N


Active Member
They are outside plants so I don't really give them nuts much. But the soil around them is pretty good. Also the strain is strawberry cough. Is the plant just getting ready for flowering and getting rid of leafs it does not need?


Well-Known Member
it doesnt matter if its indoor or outdoor it needs to eat or it will starve..so ur telling me u dont feed your plant anything at all really?? my advice is buy some nutrients for her or maybe buy some bat guano and make a tea with NPK numbers like 10-10-20 or 10-10-10 or something around there...u know what i mean?? all plants need food and if you ignore that prepare to see more leafs falling off your plant and turning crazy colors


Well-Known Member
Lacking some N and looks to need some Magnesium....Thats why its got that tint in the middle and yellowing everywhere else. Id say its a combo of N DEF and U need some cal mag or epsom salt.


Well-Known Member
thats a big 10-4 on a Nitrogen deficiency lol yea man just go buy some good nutrients..or some more bat guano with a even NPK and make tea every time u water, its your call.