About 5 weeks flowering, leaves curling under


Active Member
Right now I have one Red Diesel and one Blueberry going in my hydro tank; like I said they're about 5 weeks flowering right now and things are looking great. The only problem is that many of the leaves on the blueberry plant are curling down and under themselves. Does anyone have any idea what this could be from?

I've read elsewhere that it could be over-fertilizing, which I've considered, but my smaller red diesel plant is not showing any of the same symptoms and I don't want to deprive that plant of the nutes that it needs. I've also heard that it could be from heat stress, but some of the leaves are more than 1ft away from the hottest light I have (150w hps, the others are CFL) and they are still curling.

Should I continue to use nutrients or flush or something? So far, I used much less nutes in my last watering and I raised my hps light a little higher but no significant improvements. Any suggestions are welcome

EDIT: Top cola is so bare because I trimmed the fan leaves off of it in an attempt to get it to stop growing vertically. It is the plant with the problem, but, ironically, it is also the one that doesn't stop growing.



Active Member
i agree with gnome, leaves curl under = over nute, leaves curl up = under nute. but that usually just the tips of the leaves


Well-Known Member
EDIT: Top cola is so bare because I trimmed the fan leaves off of it in an attempt to get it to stop growing vertically. It is the plant with the problem, but, ironically, it is also the one that doesn't stop growing.
Never ever trim your fan leaves off. This causes buds to stop putting on weight.


Active Member
over nuted for sure!...flush the shit out of them and clean ur resi!
That's what I thought at first too. Will flushing the tank and using fresh water hurt the progression of the plant that isn't having any problems?

Never ever trim your fan leaves off. This causes buds to stop putting on weight.
Yeah, not something I wanted to do but the height of the plant was (and still is) a real issue for me, and my largest limiting factor. Any other suggestions on how to curb the height of a plant? It's a little late on tying them down and training them, but I can't have them up there touching the light either.

Thanks for the replies, everyone :joint:


Well-Known Member
nah man... how offten do u feed btw?!?..i dont know tons on hydro but i do think that thats over nutes...and the whole deal of ur buds stop puttin on weight when u trim fan leaves is BOGUS!...i trim tons and tons of leaves of my plants all the times!...makes for buds to soak in the light and not the leaves!..then ur buds will swell up! :)


Active Member
nah man... how offten do u feed btw?!?..i dont know tons on hydro but i do think that thats over nutes...and the whole deal of ur buds stop puttin on weight when u trim fan leaves is BOGUS!...i trim tons and tons of leaves of my plants all the times!...makes for buds to soak in the light and not the leaves!..then ur buds will swell up! :)
Haha, thank god you said that, I was really stressing out thinking I fucked myself over. But the buds are still looking great :mrgreen: I thoroughly flushed out my res yesterday and filled it with fresh, PHd water and I think I can see a little bit of an improvement in some of the leaves, but it's probably gonna take a few more days, at least.

I've been feeding on a weekly basis according to the chart below (the hydrogarden section). I'm on around week 7 (veg included), but I'm flushing instead at the moment. I know you said you're not an expert in hydro but do you think I should pick up on the nutes where I left off before the flushing?

Thanks for the help man, it's much appreciated. :joint:


Active Member
Does anyone know if all those curled down leaves that look like bird claws will un-curl and become normal again? I've been flushing for a few days and I'm not sure how much longer I should go.


Well-Known Member
Any updates? I am having the same issue with a few of my plants, and I am curious if you found the culprit...


Active Member
No the leaves will not repair themselves, look at the new growth for signs of improvment. Fan leaves do more than just take in light. They are essential for transpiration and gas exchange. Cutting fan leaves off will not stop vertical growth. Just tie it down. And yes it's definitely nute burn. Different plants use different nutes at different rates at different times. No two plants are the same and they will not necessarily like the same feeding ratios, hence Red Diesel looks good but Blueberry is burnt to shit.

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
It's never too late to tie them up, down or sideways.

You have what's commonly called ram's horn. It's usually caused by nitrogen overdose. In extreme cases the leaves will crinkle up, dry out and fall off. Cure that problem and they'll recover a little. Very little. New growth should be normal.

You're situation is why it's not recommended to grow different strains in a common rez. Different nute requirements. With only 4 weeks or so left, maybe you can strike a balance. Neither plant will get perfect feed but they'll make it through to harvest.

First step after the flush, stop using full strength nutes. I never go over 70% or so of manufacturer recommendations and that's only with very heavy feeders. Neither of your strains are in this category. They should be happy at about 50%. If this doesn't fix the problem, you may want to adjust the ratio of A-B to reduce nitrogen. Sorry, I don't have exp. with those nutes and that chart isn't very clear on the macro ratios. You may want to seek out someone who's used that brand for a few cycles.

Hope this helps,

Tiger Woods

Well-Known Member
I agree with everyone else about the over fert. Fred really hit it on the nail. I know for a fact and as many will also tell you blueberry is sensitive as shit! What's your ppms/ph? Ph lockout could also be the culprit causing some nute to be available while others arent . In your case probably to much nitrogen. Like Fred also stated its not prefered to run diffrent strains in the same rez. Its defintly possible many do it. You just have to dial in the strains and find an equal medium. Some strains will be happier than others. That's one of the main reasons people don't do it.

Good Luck