About 4 weeks into Flower in South/Central FL. How much longer??? :/


Active Member
So the is my baby. Shes in a 30gal pot nd gets feedings of FF Big Bloom once or twice weekly and started her on the Tiger Bloom about 2 weeks ago. I guess any comment or anything would be cool. im pretty confident ill be able to tell but was just wondering how long everyone thought till id be ready to harvest.... Like I said its only been about a month...


Active Member
Thanks. It kinda topped itself. Its been outside since a seedling. It grew one big cola last year but nothing else so i just left it outside in the corner of my property. Came back around June and there were those 2 huge tops growing. Since then its got 2 more nice sized tops growing out the side and i tryed to supercrop all the other branches about a month ago to try to get a little more light to em. Anything i could do to ensure i good, large yeild?


Active Member
Thanks man. Its hard to find quality help out here in FL. We're few and far between if you count out all the shitty low-grade that comes outa here from the carribean :(


Well-Known Member
We have a nice community here out in Cali for the most part. Right now I'm sure if I were in need there would be 3 people I could call and have in my garden within 48 hours to help me out. :) You can grow great stuff anywhere. It's all about genetics. :)