
Who are you to judge someone else because they changed their views on something because of their acquisition of real life experience. It's real easy for someone to judge the singer until their asked to get up and do it themselves.

If that's judging than I guess I'm judging lol I'm just calling the kettle black. ;) If I'm Mr. Pot, than so be it.
I wouldn't be able to be pro-choice. My girl being pregnant is pretty much me having a kid, IMO.
But that's my choice.
well being pro choice is just that, i didnt really love the idea, and its not like i root for abortion.... but its her free will and body...no diff than me getting another tatoo , or my buddy eating a shitload of pills...its your choice at the end of the day , you just have to live with the pricetag it may carry
well being pro choice is just that, i didnt really love the idea, and its not like i root for abortion.... but its her free will and body...no diff than me getting another tatoo , or my buddy eating a shitload of pills...its your choice at the end of the day , you just have to live with the pricetag it may carry

Change your avatar! :cuss:
well being pro choice is just that, i didnt really love the idea, and its not like i root for abortion.... but its her free will and body...no diff than me getting another tatoo , or my buddy eating a shitload of pills...its your choice at the end of the day , you just have to live with the pricetag it may carry

I get what you're saying, I'm just anti-abortion. I wasn't saying anything bad to you, I respect you and your decision. I'm just saying if it was up to me the only abortion that would be legal is for rape victims. I mean if you have sex deal with the consequences, or there is always adoption. But again that's all in my own opinion, no disrespect your way dude, :).
I get what you're saying, I'm just anti-abortion. I wasn't saying anything bad to you, I respect you and your decision. I'm just saying if it was up to me the only abortion that would be legal is for rape victims. I mean if you have sex deal with the consequences, or there is always adoption. But again that's all in my own opinion, no disrespect your way dude, :).

Adoption is fucked up. :( If you're not picked up after a year, good fucking luck.

What if she was aborted? Lol.
Who are you to judge someone else because they changed their views on something because of their acquisition of real life experience. It's real easy for someone to judge the singer until their asked to get up and do it themselves.

The the person who changed their views shouldn't have been so adamant about their views in the first place. Pro-choice doesn't mean you're pro-abortion, you just think a woman should have jurisdiction over her own body.

When someone preaches anti-______ and then does ______, they're a hypocrite, regardless of the connotations. Someone who is pro-choice who decides to keep a baby hasn't become a hypocrite, because all they're fighting for is the choice; which they made.
So a person can never change their views without being a hypocrite? That's bullshit, if the person is pro-life, has an abortion and still preaches anti-abortion then they are a hypocrit.

If a pro-life person has an abortion and then becomes pro-life they are not a hypocrite, they simply changed their view.