abortion is legal, sorry

What if a man was raped by a woman or she "stole" his semen another way by tricking the man into thinking she had swallowed, when she actually didn't and manually impregnated herself when he was getting a sandwich?

Should the man be forced to pay child support then?
Your wife did not rape you. You slept with her willingly. You cannot attempt to press rape charges on her now and try to recoup any monies from raising your 3 boys.

Now you were raped and molested at 12. This was not right, but you can't go around thinking it is ok for a 12 year old to have sex. Much too young. Please learn to separate what happen to you at 12, from the relationships you carry with your wife and others. Thanks
Your wife did not rape you. You slept with her willingly. You cannot attempt to press rape charges on her now and try to recoup any monies from raising your 3 boys.

Now you were raped and molested at 12. This was not right, but you can't go around thinking it is ok for a 12 year old to have sex. Much too young. Please learn to separate what happen to you at 12, from the relationships you carry with your wife and others. Thanks

I appreciate your lame attempt at advice. My kids are all adults and long grown though.

I was not raped at 12, I did have consensual relations with a young lady when we were both teens. it was a positive experience for both of us.

I recognize you probably didn't get laid until you paid that ugly prostitute right after boot camp when you were 20 years old and you're still not sure if it was a man or woman. Although I'm not sure if it counts as "getting laid" if you were the erm player "catching" and the other person was "pitching".
Well, Alabama has upped the ante.

Their new abortion law bans all abortions, even in cases of rape or incest.

The only legal abortion under the law is if the mother's life is in danger.

It's sitting on the governor's desk to be signed today.

Meanwhile, our governor Kemp cancelled his trip to LA to promote Georgia's movie industry incentives after three production companies canceled all future filming in Georgia due to the new draconian abortion law Kemp signed into law.

They're rescheduling the trip for the fall hoping everyone will forget about it by then.

Georgia stands to lose about 1.2 billion dollars in revenue.

Georgia is the third largest film local on earth. Only LA and New York York can match it.
In the future it's quite possible the abortion issue will be less of an issue.

As technology moves along, to "save the planet" , humans will be conceived and incubated in a sterile environment. The "best" pheno types will be allowed to go to term and the ones that don't have high thc will be turned into hash or maybe composted.

Selected people will have their sperm and eggs frozen, then there will be mandatory sterilization and the state will decide when to produce more humans and which kind.

President for life Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez will be tweeting about why this is good inside 30 years from one of her eleven houses.

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Well, the governor of Alabama is a woman. She's yet to sign it into law. I'll be stunned if she actually does.
Well, the governor of Alabama is a woman. She's yet to sign it into law. I'll be stunned if she actually does.
Prepare to be stunned.

But, you know, Alabama is chocked full of Progressive voters that are just waiting for their chance to elect a democratic socialist! Probably a full 54% of them just don't vote because they never get a chance to vote for somebody like Tulsi Gabbard (ummm, that is after she stopped performing gay aversion therapy) and are instead preparing a well planned and well though out fire-bombing campaign against the rich.
Prepare to be stunned.

But, you know, Alabama is chocked full of Progressive voters that are just waiting for their chance to elect a democratic socialist! Probably a full 54% of them just don't vote because they never get a chance to vote for somebody like Tulsi Gabbard (ummm, that is after she stopped performing gay aversion therapy) and are instead preparing a well planned and well though out fire-bombing campaign against the rich.
Black Democrats in Alabama, deserve Republican government because they didn't vote for Bernie. This will teach them a lesson.