So you dismiss the trauma because women are prone to hysterics? Seriously?
I'm not dismissing anything. You are the one that brought up how traumatic it is, and it varies person to person. The one hysterical person you accompanied does not provide a representative sample of the entire population.
O.k., Mr. Drama. I never said anything about ALL ABORTIONS. Tone it down a bit. This isn't the politics section.
You have a broad definition of convenience. What you described seems like prime reasons for abortion being a valid option. Abort a clump of cells or spend the rest of your life on welfare and becoming yet another burden on tax payers. Would you really want to see a child raised in that environment? So, better a starving child than offending your personal convictions. Funny how everyone talks about protecting the sanctity of life in the womb and then throws them to the wolves after they're born. Hypocrisy at its finest.
You didn't use any qualifiers at all, what you said is:
An abortion is a traumatic, well thought out, much agonized over decision.
That sounds like you are describing all abortions. I know they are not all thought out or agonized over.
Abort a clump of cells, or spend the rest of your life on welfare, or get your shit together and get a fucking job and make sacrifices. No one said raising a child is easy and won't take hard work and sacrifice.
I don't even care one way or the other about abortion. I'll kill a baby right now. I just don't think you are justifying your position very well.
A fetus, an embryo is not a person. Its a collection of cells. It has no conscious thought. An adult can sign a DNR or not. My mother had a DNR and I thank God every day that she did. She suffered horribly and resuscitation would have been the worst of cruelties. She died in horrible pain. If she had not signed the DNR she would have suffered for weeks more. WEEKS. She was screaming from the pain. I can still hear it in my head. So, yes, this is a straw man diversion that plays no part in the abortion controversy.
Again you seem to drawing arbitrary lines. When exactly does a collection of cells become human? When it has conscious thought? If that's the case then what relevance does "viability" have and why was it brought into the discussion? It's very obvious that an elderly conscious person can communicate their wishes and it would be wrong to terminate them simply because they can't survive unassisted. My entire point was that "viability" is a terrible way to make that judgement.
No a religious conviction means that I have a set ethics and morals that I follow. You honestly believe I don't have any sound reasoning?
If you have sound reasoning then why don't you just call it a conviction? I have a conviction that murder is wrong. It has absolutely nothing to do with any religion, I have non-religious reason. By saying it's a religious conviction you imply it is for religious (read: irrational) reasons and not rational reasons.