abecsta's Green house


Active Member
1 is female watch3m but the other still hasnt got any preflowers or anything its always been a runt tho was about 1 or 2 foot smaller than the female even tho they have had the same every thing


Active Member
what r those yellow spots in pic 5? beginning of mites?
wait that's from me spraying some foliage feed a lil to strong i have since diluted the mix to less than what was said.

also noticed today the "runt" has red stalks? any ideas or is this just normal


Active Member
I've been told red/purple stalks is a deficiency but can also just be the strain because I've grown purple strains that in flower develop red stems/leaves/bud hairs. Also they tend to go red/purple if temperatures are getting cold like overnight lows of 10C or less.
Really wouldnt worry too much about it unless the plant is getting sick like turning all yellow and leaves dieing everywhere lol because I had red/purple all the time before just not this year not sure if its the strain or the new wider range of nutrients I been using lol


Active Member
sweet its only on the runt so could be possible its a different strain (wishful thinking)
cold seems likely been having a few cool nights lately


Active Member
pulled 1 today it was male witch i was expecting. I don't mind as it gives the other one more light and will allow me to pull the laterals down when and where needed.
Didn't know what to do with the waste, so i put it in a garbage bag and then tipped some lime in to help it break down. Once it is broken down i plan on spreading it around the garden. :)


Active Member
some updates been a lil busy
so Ive pulled the one that was male and it seems my female is now a hermi i think ill try plucking off the balls as they come but if it gets to much i will pull it as well.
heres some pics 1 i tried catching a pic of a praying mantis on the lil bud2B
he/she is looking a bit sad at the moment probably because of moving to the more light and it being so hot lately also with moving all branches around to have a look 4 balls.



Active Member
aww gutted about that :( Thats why I only stick to clones now... You might be able to just let it grow hermie buds anyway and just use it for hash making instead of smoking the seeded bud?


Active Member
that might be a good idea ill talk to my mate, see if he can do it 4 me.
at the moment ill keep plucking away at the lil buds hopefully it cheers up a bit
Is there any chance it will stop producing balls


Active Member
Nah when they go hermie and you pick off the balls they will just keep growing more and come back twice as much usually :(
It depends if its a stressed hermie or a hermie from seed also. If there are hermie flowers on like only a few branches it could be a stressed hermie (e.g. some light from a houses lightbulb overnight has been shining in there and putting light on 1 or some of the branches which caused those to go hermie) but if its genetically a hermie it will have balls all over and the balls will fully mature theres nothing that can be done apart from pull off the balls then :(

An example of a stressed hermie is my mate grew in a grow tent with a dehumidifier on inside the tent 24/7 and overnight when it was running in "dark" period there was a tiny red light on the dehumidifier that was shining up onto a side branch and only that side branch started producing some premature ball sacks lol