

Well-Known Member
Hi I want to know what other people think on this topic! I HATE:fire: THE ABBEY/SANTANDER:fire:, the customer service is non and void, they are rude, incompetent, foreign, time wasting, over pass-word-crazy, money thieving, charge giving, harrassing, and useless I want to burn all the branches of the ABBEY/SANTANDER (SATAN-DUH) To the ground LETS SEE IF WE CAN GET THE MOST HATES FOR THIS WANK BANK!!!! so many people hate this bank I cant see how its still standing fucking useless cunts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - STELTY!:leaf:


Active Member
You said solid water, and the only solid water I know is ice.

Unless I am missing the smell of sarcasm, then you misunderstood him.

Just in case... Hard water is water with a lot of dissolved minerals in it. Most well water is very hard.


Well-Known Member
You said solid water, and the only solid water I know is ice.

Unless I am missing the smell of sarcasm, then you misunderstood him.

Just in case... Hard water is water with a lot of dissolved minerals in it. Most well water is very hard.
What the hell has hard water (ice) or straight tap water gotta do with the STINKING VERMIN that is ABBEY/SANTANDER? Focas peeps!!! anti-Abbey/Santander imput please, or any other insainly shite bank people should be aware of !!!! - STELTHY:wall:

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
You said solid water, and the only solid water I know is ice.

Unless I am missing the smell of sarcasm, then you misunderstood him.

Just in case... Hard water is water with a lot of dissolved minerals in it. Most well water is very hard.
Your talking about his sig, that is why no one knows what your talking about,


Well-Known Member
Dude its only a bank dont get yourself worked up. daam they must of upset you sumit bad

This shoddy, Nazi bank of asshole's has pissed me off 1 to many time, I am going to sue them!!! I'd rather shove a fucking steaming white hot acid coated poker down my japs eye than ever deal with this shit again, I closed my accounts down a year ago some how they've been re-opened??? and I have been charged, hundreds of times, also my wife wanted to take out a fiver to get home from town, The raping low life bank said the minimum withdrawel you can make is 30 quid. FUCK OFF!!! Its our money we should be able to take out how ever much we want, so my wife closed her account and withdrew everything! There are not enough vial words in the world and all of its nations to explain how shit this bank is and how pissed off I am with it!!! - STELTHY:cuss::cuss::cuss:


Active Member
Wow.... Too much PPP for me.... Sorry people... Never mind the boy behind the curtain....

(slowly walking away with head hung low in shame....)

You said solid water, and the only solid water I know is ice.

Unless I am missing the smell of sarcasm, then you misunderstood him.

Just in case... Hard water is water with a lot of dissolved minerals in it. Most well water is very hard.