aaaahh what had happened was?


Well-Known Member
Was the clone taken from a plant that was in flower as they can have some weird looking leaves for a while until they fully revert back to veg?


Active Member
yep flower clone......wish there was a cool nick name for it....
they do make for a weird looking plant at first :)


Well-Known Member
looks like it was a clone taken from a plant where is was past vegetative statg and entered flowering stage, which taking cuttlings doesn't work it basically turns out like what you pic shows, Im sorry to say but Im not saying kill it but I would at least work on getting some new plants from seed, or if possible some clones from a VEGGING female GOOD LUCK, Stay high & good Bye :weed:


Well-Known Member
if you keep it going this little weird plant will start branching out like crazy. there will be some retarded growth, trim that off and then it will start the veg stage again and grow normally but bushy. the structure will be nothing like the mother but the weed will be.

oquaw tanzin wan

New Member
Impressive guys "floned" at chop 9wks flower. 3 wks 24hr light got a few roots no visible Veg ,potted and went outdoors. Started to re-flower a couple weeks, days got longer went dormant a few weeks then vegged again. About 7" tall stopped counting nodes at 18 got confusing. All my indoors in Veg started flowering and flowering plants reveged minus 2 in light deprevation doing well. Lost prob +4wks but 5 freaks made it and their 4 harvested moms are throwing single fingers too. Just some fun during free light season, wonder what my minimal effort will reward? Plenty of new stock germed a few weeks ago no worries just playin.