A well trained whore (comments and opinions are welcome)


Well-Known Member
I got a new phone and it takes better pics so here is a shot of this tree trunk Ive been talkin about.... thick?



Well-Known Member
pic 1 top view bushing out nicely

pic 2 jacks classic all purpose wont go w/ anything else $5 works perfect

pic 3 well trained showing a very nice bend

pic 4 this pic I have a question about.....

Does it seem to look over-watered by the way it is kind of drooping??
The rest of the plant is nice and perky EXCEPT for this shoot.... Im not sure if one part of the plant could take up more water than the other parts but, thats the only thing that I can come up with..... opinions?



Well-Known Member
PIC 4 sorry

does this look over-watered to you?? it somewhat does to me but this is the only part of the plant that does



Well-Known Member
Last night I also let all of the shoots reach for the light now so I took off all "strings" except for the two main stalks, they are parallel to the soil, its crazy how thick the stems are.......


Well-Known Member
yeah, those stems are MAD thick! yeah that does look a lil overwatered IMO..I'd let the soil dry up for a couple days, and feed it with some ph'd water and a drop or two of hydrogen peroxide to give those roots some extra oxygen.

nice pix btw

and that jacks pic looks like an advertisement! lol..
nice grow!


Well-Known Member
Im not sure, I lost track with all of the throwing her away and harvesting the last crop and shit, been a little busy.... prolly about 25 days since I saw the taproot Im guessin.


Well-Known Member
any comments, tips, smartasses, anything to say??? Im welcoming all lovers and haterzz........


Well-Known Member
definately looks like a bonsai/bonzai (spelling) tree, I love what it is doing...

Does anyone have an idea of how many clones you could pull of a 3ft. tall plant??


Well-Known Member
well, Ive been trying to take clones lately but so far 3 out of the 5 I took are still alive, Ive been taking like 1 every other day....

The first two died, like wilted and flopped face first, not very pretty...

since then I got some rockwool cubes, a dome, some trays, superthrive, and some age old kelp...

I also found a couple of seeds the other day in a sack that me and a friend picked up, musta been a hermie..... said it was blueberry..... but we know how that goes....

heres my new clone set and the seeds are in the rockwool cubes as well



Well-Known Member
here goes a couple of new pics for the peoples.......... that pot is 14in. wide at the top

the plant is about 20in. wide and 8 yes 8in. tall 12hr light cycle comes

this one twisted bitch will be under a 400hps for 2 weeks then we will bring in the bad boy.... 1000w hps, all for just this one little bitch, lets see what we can pull from 1 plant.... also, took about seven clones from her also.



Well-Known Member
think it's time for a bigger pot yet? just wondering. it looks soooo good. i can just picture it blowing up under 1000w. i'm excited.