A Week Away?


Well-Known Member
So I'm keeping it short, what do you think? Pics from Day 55 now in Day 65. How much longer? I got information if you got questions.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'd Say Its About Done! If About 3/4 Or More Of The Hairs Have Turned Orange Or Brown Then Its Basically Done. Looks Like You'll Be Happy For A While! Good Job!


Well-Known Member
id say 4-7 days max! bud looks damn good, strain? what types of lights are you using?


Well-Known Member
Thanks, its been an experimental thing. I'm work with a 600W hps, 1 WW 2 Permafrost, 1 Bertha, and 1 Power Cush. They were all from real good mother clones other then the Cush and that was from a seed. As IvJay said I should wait for the hairs, the ww, and cush are going down tommorow, as for the others I was thinking a week?


Well-Known Member
Jsgrwn, letters become words, words become sentences, sentences that I used to post what light I was using already. But CFL's and Floros for side lighting.


Well-Known Member
An update, just a lil FYI, I harvested my Widow today and it weighed in at 185 grms wet, very surprising to find out. Does anyone have an opinion onto what it might equivilate to?


Well-Known Member
Why does no one own a jewelers loupe? look on ebay , theyre cheap as fuck , get a 30x and youll never need to guess again , Your really just guessing with the hairs thing , get a scope and check the trichomes.


Well-Known Member
Why does no one own a jewelers loupe? look on ebay , theyre cheap as fuck , get a 30x and youll never need to guess again , Your really just guessing with the hairs thing , get a scope and check the trichomes.
Uhmmm, who said anything about checking the trichomes, I have a microscope, no need for a jewlers loop. Thanks for coming off so harsh though, its appreciated and helps a ton. Anyway, I harvested the WW, the one of the two out of five that is done already. I said I had answers if you had questions, if the question is, "have I checked the trichomes?", then your answer is yes.