A** weather turns to pure beautifullnesss


Here on the east coast and im sure alot of people are having this problem, RAIN has been an issue. 10 day weather forecast looks like 10 days of pure perfectness for finishing up! Good Luck! May your harvest be plentiful..


Active Member
Just went out and had bud mould issue. Couple buds got the rot. Bring on the sun. On the hunt for a strain that don't get mould to bad and finnish in time. The Afghan/haze is a good possibillity. Did one early in the year with no mould at all. Picking up a pack for sure of A/H. Blueberry (dj short) and the dreamtime from Mr Nice Seeds. It has mostly indica dom. strains. Did there walkabout this year loved it awsome strains. Looking for something diff. for my fourth. That should hol me over for the year.
10 days of sun sound great. Still have 2 that can go acouple weeks longer and 2 thats being flushed.


I hear you Kcamby.. massachusetts here..I had to pick 1 last week when we had 3 days of rain in a row..only 1 out of 6 had rot..I harvested it..the others looked fine..now we've had 2 days of shitty rainy foggy weather..need to check tonight..i am crossing my fingers for now rot!! I have some nice one ;) Peace
in the same boat..when i looked last week it looked to good to be true.. see how it turns out. just sucks. if we didnt have al the rain i would still have two more out. fuckin mold.. whats funny is i got a few legit seeds from a seedbank and i have some i bought off a grower that he crossed polinated.. everyone was sayin how the ones i got off the guy were gonna be shit. well... the 2 good seeds, bud looks good but if it rains a few days in a row.. forget about it. mold central. now the other ones... i the one has huge buds all over, bigger then the good ones.. doesnt have that potent smell the other ones do but dam dont you know.. almost 2 straight weeks of straight rain and not a single sign of mold. i cant beleive it.. the buds compared to the other good ones are probally twice the size to which would make me think theyd mold easier.. + repp to my old dealer for having perfect strains for the east coast.. im def looking into some mold resistant strains next year..
the first week, idk probally atleast rained 4-5 days and no sun except sat. i went back on friday i believe to look at them.. the one had alot of dead leaves so i took it inside to get a closer look and ended up chopping cuz i saw some mold on a couple top colas and some big side branches. i knew it wasnt gonna stop raining so better safe then sorry. the next one that week was pretty much the same. maby one day of sun. all other ones were fine but the one found some mold on similar places. just little bits at a time but they were on the bigger branches so i didnt wanna risk it. so id say probally a couple days. go out to check on them to see if theres any dead leaves cuz thats what might have did it for mine. imagine a wet dead leave laying on the buds for a couple days with nothing but rain.. sucksss

edit- also the other seeds from the "guy" were said to be from reeferman. either one of the love potions or a cross of lp that he made


Active Member
"I jump in it"

...perfect stretch of weather, I am extremely happy.

The only question is, how long will it last...
Happy growing



Well-Known Member
the sun is great today! and the forecast looks just as good. I was checking mine everyday thru the rain and picking the mold off. I was getting worried tho seemed like i saw a little more everyday it rained. Now they look nice again, nice frosting to them, so glad they pulled thru and that we all had the patience to wait for the buds to be ready to harvest and not pick early because of the rains Hopefully everyone that waited it out is glad they did!


Active Member
How did every one make out. Had one that took it a little hard. Mould struck all but not that bad could of been worst. Got some sunny weather comming up. Let the finnal weeks be a dry one.

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
Getting some sweet weather over here in Ireland, thank god. Im hopin it keeps up, not likely tho.

Still another week or to on my girls so danger still lurks around the corner.:?:


Well-Known Member
Finally some great weather here in NY. Lots of sunshine and windy too, which helps. Hope it lasts. I need at least 2 more weeks. Good luck to all.


Active Member
i heard its suppose to rain again like all week starting tuesday so im probably goin to harvest sunday night what u guys think?


Active Member
Well here is to pushing it till mid November here in the NYC area.... Atleast I hope too go that far. Didnt get sprouted till June 1 so every day is a blessing Friend has some Haze's and others going late and some Fattening and Ambering up to do : )~i~