A Warning Call


Well-Known Member
The distressing factor to me is that no matter who wins, at least 40% of the American people unapologetically desire an objectively lawless, narcissistic bully as their leader.
I'm pushing 60,and this guy's resurrection is the CON of my lifetime,do these people not realize he uses the Cons. as Charmin,2016 the country took a chance it was CHAOS from day one,just about all his staff were "acting" and unconfirmed by 2020 in and out like shit thru a goose,UNFATHOMABLE,accomplishments tax cut for top5% and corps,no trickle down and corps did stock buy backs w/no jobs added and he funded vaccine developement,Idid NOT remember being sick of winning just sick and tired and embarrassed for my country.As Nov. 5th approaches I'm feeling a sense of dread as this thing is WAAAY to tight which is confounding,depressing,and horrifying if the wrong result occurs,and the same for the right result will never be accepted by almost 50% of my fellow citizens,sadly. I appeal to all woman in tightly contested states to vote,as a man I'm relying on the tougher ,fairer species to save my country as you have the wisdom and intuity to see thru this prick.