• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

A US Teenager Who Grew Up In Denver Was Executed WITHOUT TRIAL With a DRONE

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
We haven't started doing it yet.....not to the extent that it needs to be done.
we have not done it at all. the civilized world has not gone to war since the end of ww2, but we have played a lot of footsie with the barbarians who keep testing our gates. europe asia and south america need to step up their game too. rooting out the savages, whether they be the cartels, revolutionary fronts, or mohammedan extremists needs to be every civilized nation's job. i dont expect much from the twofaced shits in asia minor, but they need to stop harbouring the enemy or face the perils of all out war the likes of which they have never seen.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
But with this post you display your complete lack of empathy for those whom you've categorized as savages. Do you see the problem there? cn
savages earned my disdain. i presume everyone is a human being, until they prove they are merely animals. al quaeda in yemen,, the pricks in afghanistan who had our favour in the cold war then decided to act a fool, the assholes who are now free, but rapidly devolving back into savagery in iraq, despite having civilization served up to them on a silver platter at OUR expense. figure that one out. released from the horrors of the saddam regime, and as soon as US troops leave they run right back to the same old bullshit.

fuck nation building, its time for some asshole wrecking.


Ursus marijanus
I guess you truly don't see the logic trap that you have prepared and entered. You've met your own definition of savagery. cn


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
And you don't believe that they are now capable of operating with impugnity in some of these places? No, I contend that they are not the threat that they are made out to be and that if their acts are not sensationalized but trivialized they would lose any effective power. OF course I believe that they should be monitored and policed but mobilizing our military in order to effect a response is as has been shown, to be worse than ineffective and disruptive to our way of life. My daughter is being harrassed at an airport because a guy in a sheet bears a grudge?

I imagine rats. I don't like rats, they eat my tomatoes and leave droppings, they could be dangerous but I don't barricade my house, I don't arm the inhabitants of my house with .22 caliber rifles, I don't consider plowing under my entire back yard on the off chance that I might destroy a nest of them. I set out poison, I set traps and I go about my life while barely thinking of them at all. Should I be sitting down to dinner and I hear a trap spring, I excuse myself, dump the trap in the trash, wash my hands and sit back down to dinner. We should do the same as a nation.
i set out poison to control rats, and demolish their nests when they establish one.

a rat nest was built in the creek wash near my house. i didnt wait for the city to handle the problem, i went out there with my axe and demolished it, killed all the rats i found, and went home satisfied in a job well done. funny how i dont have much of a rat possum or raccoon problem in my garden. a friend of mine lives less than half a mile away and she has lots of rats raccoons and possums. fancy that.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I guess you truly don't see the logic trap that you have prepared and entered. You've met your own definition of savagery. cn
ohh i see what you mean. i just disagree when violence comes to me and mine i meet it at my door with violence of my own.

again i say, i never once started a fight in my life, but i have been in plenty. when somebody takes a swing at me, i swing back with everything i got and dont let up till they tap out, go limp or crawl off to cry in the corner. unless the cops come, then i leg it like a sensible hillbilly.


Well-Known Member
One thing I will say for you Mr. Keynes, you are a romantic. For you, the world has a few great people and societies that must confront diabolical threats-- on an Olympian scale. I imagine you can see a world of peace after the struggle is done-- if the lunkhead liberals would just stop whining and carrying on.


New Member
savages earned my disdain. i presume everyone is a human being, until they prove they are merely animals. al quaeda in yemen,, the pricks in afghanistan who had our favour in the cold war then decided to act a fool, the assholes who are now free, but rapidly devolving back into savagery in iraq, despite having civilization served up to them on a silver platter at OUR expense. figure that one out. released from the horrors of the saddam regime, and as soon as US troops leave they run right back to the same old bullshit.

fuck nation building, its time for some asshole wrecking.
the fact that you refer to an entire race, religion, and/or creed of people as "savages" should be frightening. War will only make it worse, it will create more of said 'savages'. As it has been said you give them way too much credit, they are no threat to us or to the world, this is propaganda. This is largely fiction you are speaking and far disconnected from reality, all of this, it is all in your head. There is no such widespread Muslim or communist conspiracy theory.


Well-Known Member
you should really give us the kid's name so that we can look it up for ourselves instead of just taking your quite biased word.
This one time I agree with Buck, your write up makes it seem like some young neighboorhood kid was targeted by Obama and that is just flat out crap.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
the fact that you refer to an entire race, religion, and/or creed of people as "savages" should be frightening. War will only make it worse, it will create more of said 'savages'. As it has been said you give them way too much credit, they are no threat to us or to the world, this is propaganda. This is largely fiction you are speaking and far disconnected from reality, all of this, it is all in your head. There is no such widespread Muslim or communist conspiracy theory.

i refer to an entire movement of savages as savages. terrorists come in all flavors colors and creeds, from the militant atheist socialists of the shining path, to the radical mohammedan savages of al quaeda and the talibs.

theres plenty of christians, like the lords army fucknuts in uganda, and some hindus, like the thuge cult in india, some leftists like the zapatista revolutionary front in mexico and many many more.

your personal agenda applies your personal bias to what i say. mohammedan groups are the matter at hand in this instance, opposition to evil is not racism. accusing any who defend themselves of racist leanings for daring to ask why so many of a particular group are strapping bombs to babby carriages is the real racism. you might do well to remember that john walker lindh was a an evil european white boy, the underwear bomber verison 1 was a nigerian, underwear bomber 2 was a yemeni, and the dinkbag who tried to light his shoebomb was a fucking jamaican. the hijackers on 9-11 were mostly saudis and egyptians, the shining path are almost exclusively "latino" and the mexican drug cartels are nearly 100% mexican. did i spare the mafia my wrath? nope. but they are whites! ohh no!! decrying somebody else as a racist is the last ditch ploy for a dingbat who's argument has failed miserably.

alawaki junior was not executed, he was not targeted, he was not even on the fucking hit list. he WAS a militant, he WAS in the target zone at the fateful moment of detonation,, and thus WAS killed. this does not equate to a constitutional crisis, this does not make the drone pilot a racist or a murderer, this makes junior a dipshit who chose the wrong friends. one can conclude from your vehement demands for justice and the poorly thought out claims of racism murder and US terrorism that you are not a deep thinker,, not a deliberate person, and are in fact a knee-jerk reactionary who lashes out with mindless responses to any stimulus. you are an intellectual amoeba. get your flagellum under control before you poke out your own eye-spot.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
One thing I will say for you Mr. Keynes, you are a romantic. For you, the world has a few great people and societies that must confront diabolical threats-- on an Olympian scale. I imagine you can see a world of peace after the struggle is done-- if the lunkhead liberals would just stop whining and carrying on.
nope. i am a realist, not a dreamer. most of the world just wants to do their own thing without interference from anybody else. thats the end game for almost all people, and in fact the ideal condition for civilized society. i dont care if my neighbors go to a jewish temple on friday, pray towards mecca, attend daily mass, worship ghaneesha, or spend their afternoons smoking weed and watching cartoons. thats thier own thing. if they come to my house and try to tell me i gotta do shit their way, then we got a problem.

even then, my ultimate goal is to send them back to their own house fully understanding that if they try that shit again ill knock their dicks in the dirt. if they go home and dont bother me any more, they can do their own thing all they like. Thats how civilization works.

the savages have a different end game. their demands vary, but their tactics are all the same, submit to my demands or receive violence. my position is the exact opposite. keep your violence to yourself or you will submit to my demands after i fuck you up. this is very different. those who dont fuck with me have no cause to fear.

ultimately there can be world peace. but only after the clowns who think violence will get them what they want have learned that violence gets their asses stomped into the mud.

if i live across town from you, and drive over to your house, then kick in your door, call your children sinners and blasphemers, and your wife a whore, well thats okay right? thats my sacred and precious religious freedom. when i start beating your wife with a tire iron, how many swings do i get to take before you are allowed to express outrage? how many swings before you gain the right to defend your wife and kids from my violence?

perhaps you would prefer to call the cops. on average that means i get another 15-20 minutes of festive wailing on your old lady with my tire iron before the cops show up. even when i do get taken down by the cops and hauled off to face the courts, i have several brothers, and they each will in turn show up at your house and repeat the process until you accept the ultimate realization that my way is best. how many times will you have to be visited by my brothers before you are wise enough to show up at my house with YOUR friends and associates and burn out this nest of vipers in your town? well if your a liberal in america, youll never be able to do that. if you do, you will be the evil racist and bigot for opposing my religious observances. plus your children are still sinners and blasphemers, and your wife is still a whore. the only solution is to convert.

this is the tactic used by the KKK in the south the catholics in the MANY inquisitions, hitler's brownshirts, stalin's pogroms, pol pot's regime of insane clown violence, mohammedan militants, the shining path in peru and colombia, and many many more. the program continues until everyone submits or SOMEBODY stands up and fights back.

but i guess that wont be you.


Well-Known Member
You realise your reference to "if they come to my house" is exactly the justification the "terrorists" use for attacking the US?

9/11 has already been stated as a direct response to American involvement in Saudi Arabia.

You live in a ridiculous "America Fuck Yeah" fantasy in which America does no wrong.

However a true patriot constantly questions the actions of Government, that's how America became great in the first place and it's sorely lacking now. Don't wait till a nuke goes off in the middle of an American city to act on this.

If your country just leaves the sand people alone, they'll leave you alone too, it's not quantum theory levels of complication.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You realise your reference to "if they come to my house" is exactly the justification the "terrorists" use for attacking the US?

9/11 has already been stated as a direct response to American involvement in Saudi Arabia.

You live in a ridiculous "America Fuck Yeah" fantasy in which America does no wrong.

However a true patriot constantly questions the actions of Government, that's how America became great in the first place and it's sorely lacking now. Don't wait till a nuke goes off in the middle of an American city to act on this.

If your country just leaves the sand people alone, they'll leave you alone too, it's not quantum theory levels of complication.

this would therefore explain the actions of abu saif in the philippines, world trade center bombing 1, locekrbie scotland, that achille lauro hijacking, Air France 139, and so many others.

the radicalized and militant wings of islam including al quaeda (who were more than happy to work with the great satan as long as the soviet union was a threat to their plans) hamas, abu saif, and all the rest have a stated, and declared goal of instituting the world wide hegemony of their glorious global caliphate (for full details see the Koran)

most moslems do NOT indulge in this fantasy, but the savages do. curiously, the koran clearly states that the radicalized groups are the ones who are holding true to the words of their prophet, while those who reject aggressive expansionist jihad are possible apostates... delightful.

again, not my book, i didnt write it. if you think im lying read it yourself.


pssst it's searchable for those with less time, or inclination to read all that shit.

an interesting side note, i fall into a category of infidel/kaffir/unbeliever which is irredeemable in the eyes of islam so you shall find no soft fuzzy feelings for any of that shit from me. the only moslems who i do not despise are the ones who have demonstrated that they have no interest in pushing their agenda on me.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
OK that's it. You obviously believe in euglenics. cn
i only now realize my crimes! im racist against paramecium and all the other prokaryotes. damn, im worse than hitler.

Henceforth i shall dedicate my life to not only the noble cause of prokaryote liberation, but the ultimate destruction of all the bourgeois, running dog, imperialist, counter-revolutionary eukaryote oppressors!

We Shall Undercome!

Ask Not What Your Agar Gel Can Do For You, But What You Can Do For Your Petri Dish.