• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

A US Teenager Who Grew Up In Denver Was Executed WITHOUT TRIAL With a DRONE


Well-Known Member
i truly think there would be a huge shift in consciousness if everyone would drop some good strong acid all at once.
everyone would wake up the next day and be like "woah i get it, peace man"
or something to that affect
Most people are too stupid to manage a trip tho, it's like giving a child a steak knife.


Active Member
send em off on dmt then..
they wont have time to react or hurt themselves
just a forced full blast spiritual awakening in under 15 min
god if everyone in america did dmt all in one day.....

the world would change overnight.. it would be nuts

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
this is no different than the kid hanging in the hood and gets tagged in a drivebye. lesson bieng dont hang in the ghetto. whether its a ghetto street, or country.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
well.. ive lost hope for humanity now because of this thread..
thank you for showing me the light, i now see that the people of today just dont give a fuck if someone dies for no reason, as long as it doesnt directly affect them.
brainwashed sheep! at least pull the wool from over your eyes..
drop some acid or something! snap out of it!
lots of americans die for less of a reason than this every day, stop watching bill oreily and you snap out of it you brainwashed goat.


Well-Known Member
this is no different than the kid hanging in the hood and gets tagged in a drivebye. lesson bieng dont hang in the ghetto. whether its a ghetto street, or country.
Your metaphor is a good one, since the US government has shown itself to be no better than street thugs.


Well-Known Member
are you upset because your nation is the toughest thug? if some other country was on top........we'd be in trouble. every here of "Barbary?" its out there brother, and we have a wolf by the ears, and can't let go. how about jumpin' on board with the team for the big win.


Well-Known Member
There is a difference between seeing a harsh truth and believing it is acceptable. Complacency is not wisdom.

And I do think a more civil nation is possible, one decision at a time.


Well-Known Member
are you upset because your nation is the toughest thug? if some other country was on top........we'd be in trouble. every here of "Barbary?" its out there brother, and we have a wolf by the ears, and can't let go. how about jumpin' on board with the team for the big win.
'Might is right' will not get us very far, particularly since the US will not always be the mightiest. And no, I don't think this war needs to use drones the way it does to win. It may even be helping us lose.


Well-Known Member
"Yet it cannot be called talent to slay fellow-citizens, to deceive friends, to be without faith, without mercy, without religion; such methods may gain empire, but not glory."

Machiavelli is usually not considered naive.


Well-Known Member
Totally agree, however, the cop should act under the rule of law. The trouble with the drone policies is that the legal framework they operate under is poorly defined and is arguably not acceptable under the Constitution. I know much of the debates around the Constitution can sound flaky, but the legitimacy of the government does really depend on the legal process. If authority does not come through legal process, it can only come through use of force and the nation will fail.


Well-Known Member
the other side operates under the law of club, and fang (Jack London fan). yet we have to wear white gloves, and stick our pinkies out, and say "please stop trying to take over the World." fuck that shit. we are inna fight for survival.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
gentle persuasion only works if your opponent is a civilized person.

non-violence is ineffective when the opposition's stated aim is to wipe you out.

pacifism in the face of an unthinking swarm of army ants simply means the ants dont have to work as hard.

conflict resolution strategies you learned in kindergarten dont work outside of the playground.

jeffrey dahmer raped, murdered, engaged in sexual acts with corpses and ate his victims. even the ones who didnt fight back.

submissiveness, passivity and non-resistance in the face of a street thug only emboldens the thug, it does not mollify his wanton uirges.

the tactics of the terrorist requires a civilized opponent who will be appropriately shocked and horrified at such indiscriminate violence.

al quaeda, hamas, the PLO, abu saif, and all the other militant organizations that espouse the primitive and savage cult of mohammed inculcate children with their hatred, brainwash teenagers, use retarded kids, and demand total submission from their cult followers to further the aims of their cult because those tactics WORK against civilized opponents. they do NOT work against socialist dictators, and other equally savage and brutal organizations. even the afghan mujahadeen had zero success against the soviets with terrorist attacks. it wasnt until the soviet union fell from it's own corruption, and civilized regimes rose in it's place that terrorist leaning groups could feel confident enough to try terrorist tactics. the soviet would have burned all of chechnya to bare earth before giving an inch to the primitive savages who murder kids for political or religious ideology. ghengis khan would only laugh at the antics of al quaeda before burning all of yemen to the ground and salting the earth.

shock outrage horror and fear are the goals of the terrorist plotter. allowing those useless emotions to cloud your judgement is pure stupidity. alawalaki junior was raised form childhood to be exactly what he became, a pawn in the game for al quaeda. he was conditioned to think daddy's militant stance was the propper position for a good mohammedan, was indoctrinated with the poisonous ideals of al quaeda from a young age, and would almost certainly have followed in his daddy's footsteps, had he not been hanging out in a target zone on that fateful day. while it is unfiortunate that any youth is indoctrinated with hateful madness, it is NOT unfortunate that the indoctrinated youth catches a missile strike before he can act out his dreamed of martydom passion play. had alawaki junior not died from a predator strike he would most likely be plotting some new action against some innocent target, which is what he told people he planned to do, as revenge for the death of dear ol' daddy.

mohammedanism is very much like the militant and ignorant racism of the ku klux klan. it is transmitted from parents to children. despite all the gentle words and sweet sweet multiculturalism that is crammed down everybody's throat, racism still thrives in america. if the KKK became aas indiscrimminately violent, militant and rabid as al quaeda in yemen, and siezed military control of a large territory, most of the dinkbags who are weeping for the death of poor alawaaki junior would delight in the carpet bombing that eliminated Ku-Klux-Klandia. even if numerous children were killed in the process. the ultimate elimination of the nazi menace and japanese dreams of empire cost a great many innocent children's lives. in the end far fewer innocents died from the war than would have died from the results of capitulation, and most importantly, the innocent victims were on the side of barbarism, NOT THE SIDE OF CIVILIZED SOCIETY!!

anyone who would prefer the opposite result is on the side of barbarism themselves. in a perfect world there would be no barbaric religious cults, no children indoctrinated with blind hatred for anything that is different from their tiny tribal group, and we would not even need predator drones, guns, or knives. we would all live in harmony with nature, prancing naked through fields of wildflowers and holding hands with all races and all creeds. let me know when you figure out how to make that shit happen. until then hard choices have to be made, and it takes hard men to find the stones to do it. all you gentle civilized non-violent sorts dont have what it takes to be in the shit, so step back and try to keep the hard men from going too far, thats why you exist in the first place to act as a conscience for the hard men. once you step forward and demand the hard men stop making the difficult decisions you are helping to destroy the society that protects you from the real bad people who would LOVE to face your soft gentle non-violent asses in battle. once al quaeda abu saif, and all the other assholes in the world renounce violence for good, and cast away all their arms, and their dreams of conquest, then maybe we can talk about dismantling the aircraft carriers and stealth bombers you so despise.


Well-Known Member
Not sure where you're coming from, Keynes, and it looks like you built yourself quite a straw man. I have not advocated for non-violence on this issue or 'gentleness', only rule of law under the Constitution.


New Member
Not sure where you're coming from, Keynes, and it looks like you built yourself quite a straw man. I have not advocated for non-violence on this issue or 'gentleness', only rule of law under the Constitution.
he has that delusion and goes into these rants about everything...about how everyone else is commies..and how harsh this dog eat dog world is ...etc....goes into the same rant when anyone disagree with him they get shut out into this box in his fantasy...pretty much if you disagree with him you are some kind of a commie...your argument can even be right wing anarchist type of argument yet somehow you become a commy...it really is glenn beck style think so thats why I continually call him glen beck. (false libertarian)

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Not sure where you're coming from, Keynes, and it looks like you built yourself quite a straw man. I have not advocated for non-violence on this issue or 'gentleness', only rule of law under the Constitution.
were that comment directed solely at you, you would almost have a point. the fact remains many commentators have established definitively that only duly sworn peace officers acting under direct authorization from mahatma ghandi, traveling unarmed and wearing only their rough homespun garments may approach a suspect, and politely request he desist from engaging in any further attempts to hijack or blow up airliners. this is of course reductio ad absurdum, but not reducted too far from the absurdum of insisting that constitutional process be foillowed in a far off land controlled by al quaeda militants to protect the civil rights of a "child" whoi stated his desire to become a martyr to his nutjob cause.

he was not protesting the war in afghanistan on a college campus in maryland, or a park in new york city. he was hanging with very bad men in al quaeda controlled territory in yemen. he was not the target, was not on the target list and was simply an incidental casualty

note he was and incidental casualty, not an accidental casualty. if he were a baby, 7 years old, a kid milking a cow or tending his goats then he would have been accidental, it would be a tragedy from every perspective, and demanding more careful targeting, or the cessation of missile strikes would be appropriate from the peacenik perspective. the incidental casualty was not an innocent child tending his flock on the pastoral hills of distant yemen. he was a militant in the eyes of the yemeni government, an outside agitator come to their country to cause them trouble. the yemeni government would most likely have loved to get their hands on this "unfortunate child" and offer him the hospitality the yemeni security forces are rightly famous for. do you propose his constitutional rights would be protected under those circumstances? how much "due process" would be involved before a car battery was connected to his genitals?

getting blown up by a us drone strike targeting al banni does not make him appear any more innocent than the jackoff who dies in a shootout with the LAPD in a crackhouse. catch a clue.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
he has that delusion and goes into these rants about everything...about how everyone else is commies..and how harsh this dog eat dog world is ...etc....goes into the same rant when anyone disagree with him they get shut out into this box in his fantasy...pretty much if you disagree with him you are some kind of a commie...your argument can even be right wing anarchist type of argument yet somehow you become a commy...it really is glenn beck style think so thats why I continually call him glen beck. (false libertarian)
and that is why you fail

there is no "right wing anarchy" you dipshit. anarchy is the diametric opposition to "right wing" authoritarianism. there is also no dimmer switch or control valve on anarchy. aanarchy is either in or out. there is not middle ground in anarchy which is NO RULES, not light rules, restricted rules, somewhat rulish, or rules that only operate sometimes.

anarchy is what you get when rules fall, and government collapses. like somalia. or the lovely al quaeda territory in yemen.

aanarchy is domination by the guy with the gun pointed at you right now, and a different guy tomorrow. attempting to conceal marxist philosophy with claims of benevolent anarcho-whateverism is fooling no-one.


New Member
Something every libertarian recognizes, because they lose friends over this, because it is the battle we always fight against the statist. Yet Dr Keynes the false libertarian does not even recognize this propaganda for he is spitting it himself throughout this thread. This is such a good example I really can't get over it.

This sort of reiterates what I wrote earlier almost verbatim actually but I feel it is so important and needs to be repeated. People defend moralality, and then defend the most blatant violations of these same moral laws.

This how we are controlled.
This is how we are propagandized.
This is how freedom dies.

If someone gives you a moral rule examine the exception.
Who is not bound by that rule?
Who gets to do the exact opposite?

It will always be those in power -- that is why moral rules exist.

Any thinker who actually tries to apply universal moral rules universally is considered insane, bizarre, ridiculous -- because the purpose of universal morality is the exception, the violation. This is what it means to be libertarian, anarchist, etc...to not be a statist, to recogize this, to step back and recognize that this is the very way the mafias rule us.

Now Witness the true insanity here as people defend a child's murder by the state. This very rejection of ideas, this propping up of the state is exactly what empowers it, embodies it, without this it would not be tangible. Dr K not to pick on you here because you are not the only one, in fact you are in the majority, but your conversation here IS THE STATE.