Hey guys, sorry for the absence, I started back to work last week, and have been busy as hell. Then, when I did get some free time, my computer fucked up, of course.lol
ANYWAY,....I'm sorry to bring some bad news....
...I recently got word that my place is being watched, possibly raided soon, and have to shut down operations. *pouts* That was last weekend. I haven't touched the plants since then, not a drop of water or fert, and surprisingly, they still look pretty damn good. Sucks, knowing that I have to kill them, especially since they were ready for 12/12, a week ago. I had to chop down the first generation, that were in week 8 of 12/12, and weighed the yield from one plant. It was 90 grams, after being dried extra-crispy.lol That's pretty damn good, considering that they were only 24" tall. I haven't chopped those in this test, yet, but plan to, tonight. *pouts some more*
It's a REALLY tough decision to make, which is why they're still alive, today. But, being that my house and my job are on the line, I can't take the risk of keeping them. I REALLY wish I could, because the smoke is awesome. I'd love to be able to show you guys the final results, as well. Honestly though, I seriously doubt there will be any difference in yield, once I start feeding them myself. After this test, I'm convinced that any soil can perform great, as long as you have the drainage under control, and a good solid watering routine. Yes, some soils have more nutes than others, BUT, IMO, it's the growers responsibility to compensate for that, and adjust accordingly. IMO, soils with equal drainage, and equal PH ranges, will perform almost identically, reguardless of what if stamped in the bag. I'm betting that I could grow plants just as nice, in a pile of shredded newspaper,(for example) as long as I got the feeding doses correct.lol As long as plants get sufficient oxygen to their roots, and get the nutes they require, yiou can grow them in practically any medium. That's what I got out of this test. As far as "supersoils" go.....IMO, they main difference, is that they are loaded with nutes, not enough to burn the plants, but just enough to keep them sustained for longer than most soils. Add enough perlite to just about any soil, and it'll do just as well. In those cases, the nutes, are your responsibility.
So, for all you haters of MG soils, or any soils, for that matter, either add perlite and learn how to water properly, or shut the hell up, and stop spreading rumors that you can't back up.

IMO, the only way MG soil can harm your plants, is if it was purchased from a place that stored it improperly(outside in the rain, for example), and went acidic, or rancid. Fresh MG soil, works just as well as anything else, granted that you correct it's drainage problems. Those "time-released nutes", are ABSOLUTELY nothing to worry about, and aren't the same as those pellet-type ferts that us growers should avoid. That .14-.12-.07(or whatever it is.lol) isn't enough to hurt a damn thing. That's like 1/50th strength of the ferts we use, for christ-sakes. Definitely not capable of burning anything, no mater whether you just watered them, or not.
I will definitely be taking pics before I chop them, so stay tuned. If I get brave, I might keep them, or maybe two of them, but not sure, atm. It's not looking real good, for now. I need to make some more phone calls, me thinks.